
Recent content by Justin-ServerPilot

  1. Justin-ServerPilot

    ServerPilot - new hosting control panel for hosting PHP sites on VPSes

    As a new user just ran into this, I want to mention that we do not work on OpenVZ servers. The host kernel used by OpenVZ systems is very old and there are networking and firewall issues for modern Ubuntu versions that expect to be run on newer kernels. Luckily, most providers don't use OpenVZ...
  2. Justin-ServerPilot

    ServerPilot - new hosting control panel for hosting PHP sites on VPSes

    We've architected our system so that if we are compromised, an attacker can't gain root access to your servers. All of the code that runs on your servers is signed by us. And none of this signed code enables arbitrary execution of other unsigned code as root. So, the best an attacker could do...
  3. Justin-ServerPilot

    ServerPilot - new hosting control panel for hosting PHP sites on VPSes

    Thank you! That's great to hear. Quotas. We don't get many requests for this so it's not high on our priority list. Before we do quotas, we'll be implementing better stats about website resource usage. Not needing multiple accts for different server levels. We're working on the best way to...
  4. Justin-ServerPilot

    ServerPilot - new hosting control panel for hosting PHP sites on VPSes

    Actually, we designed our architecture so that no extra ports need to be open for ServerPilot. When you run the ServerPilot installer (a.k.a. "connect a server to ServerPilot"), the installer adds our signed apt repository and installs our agent via apt. The agent opens a TLS-encrypted...
  5. Justin-ServerPilot

    ServerPilot - new hosting control panel for hosting PHP sites on VPSes

    It's definitely the case that our paid plans are missing many features that some users need. We just launched a few months ago and we wanted to launch as soon as our system was production ready. We'll be adding a lot more features over the next couple of years. In the mean time, we try to talk...
  6. Justin-ServerPilot

    ServerPilot - new hosting control panel for hosting PHP sites on VPSes

    Exactly, it's a remote panel. We sometimes call it a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) hosting control panel, but that only resonates as a good explanation to people very familiar with SaaS software. The security benefit of not having a control panel frontend running on each server is one of the...
  7. Justin-ServerPilot

    ServerPilot - new hosting control panel for hosting PHP sites on VPSes

    Yes, we do support SNI. While we're talking about SSL, I should mention we also support SPDY.
  8. Justin-ServerPilot

    ServerPilot - new hosting control panel for hosting PHP sites on VPSes

    We don't have a demo because we have a free plan that comes with a free trial of the paid plans. Signing up is quick and easy (no credit card is required). So, we encourage users to sign up, spin up a new server at their host, connect it to ServerPilot, and really see ServerPilot in action. It...
  9. Justin-ServerPilot

    ServerPilot - new hosting control panel for hosting PHP sites on VPSes

    We do have an API, but it's in beta and we aren't letting too many people use it yet. We're in the middle of changing our API and don't want to break things people have written. We should have it public in the next few months. We don't have a version of our centralized component that you can...
  10. Justin-ServerPilot

    ServerPilot - new hosting control panel for hosting PHP sites on VPSes

    Thanks for the feedback and questions, everyone. I'll respond to everything here in a couple of hours. I just wanted to respond to this question first: We don't store plaintext SSH passwords at any time. When a user sets an SSH/SFTP password in ServerPilot, on our side we immediately hash the...
  11. Justin-ServerPilot

    ServerPilot - new hosting control panel for hosting PHP sites on VPSes

    Hi, yes we are. And, Mike, is that you?? We spoke about a year ago when Kevin and I were doing early customer development, talking to people about their workflows, their software, their customers, and the problems they run into. We met over in the WHT forums. We were called FreedomCP at the...
  12. Justin-ServerPilot

    ServerPilot - new hosting control panel for hosting PHP sites on VPSes

    Hi everyone, After years of managing VPSes running Plesk or cPanel for developers who wish they had a secure, lightweight alternative, we've created ServerPilot. ServerPilot is a new control panel that is optimized for running websites on VPSes. It's free for the basic...