
Recent content by SwitchBlade

  1. SwitchBlade

    Linking together multiple VPNs and with randomness?

    Do you have the url or remember what it was called so I can search for it?
  2. SwitchBlade

    Linking together multiple VPNs and with randomness?

    Is it possible to create a TOR like setup with vps servers used as a vpn? For example, connect to vps1 --> and vps1 connects to one or more additional vpses to send your traffic through? If not, someoen should make this. I see a lot of people do not trust TOR now for different reasons and this...
  3. SwitchBlade

    The new 'Macbook'

    Are the touchpads always that big on apple laptops?
  4. SwitchBlade

    Why do vps providers not allow TOR?

    I didn't realize it was so bad. :( Maybe just use a regular vpn then?
  5. SwitchBlade

    Why do vps providers not allow TOR?

    Well? I want to setup a private TOR server for learning that only I will use but am finding that vps companies do not allow this. Does anyone know of a company that does allow this?
  6. SwitchBlade

    Do you read reviews first?

    Thanks everyone. I read them to, I guess other people do not or do not care about reviews if they think a deal is good.
  7. SwitchBlade

    Do you read reviews first?

    When shopping for a new vps if you are going with a new company, do you read reviews first? I see companies with many bad reviews and not many good and it makes me wonder if people even read reviews or not. Also if you see many bad reviews do you still sign up if the offer is tempting or no?
  8. SwitchBlade

    Good email hosting?

    I am wondering what everyone is using for email hosting? I have a personal email address that uses webmail on a kloxo vps that I use but now that I actually use the email more and more I want to put it somewhere secure (before it was not used much) and do not want it on a vps. I want some place...
  9. SwitchBlade

    Extremely Simple My Current IP Site is what I usually use or :)
  10. SwitchBlade

    Question about IPv6 on a VPS that also has IPv4

    Thank you! I will try that later today and tomorrow and see if I can get it to work.
  11. SwitchBlade

    BlueVM's domain name was hijacked

    No official statement yet? Does the BlueVM guy have a account here? Hope it is just a domain issue and not more severe.
  12. SwitchBlade

    Question about IPv6 on a VPS that also has IPv4

    Well I have a couple VPS right now that have IPv6 and they just came like that. I think most hosts have IPv6 now. This is more for learning though so I can get practice using the new protocol for my own things too like creating a IPv6 only test site and use my local internet to tunnel to a IPv6...
  13. SwitchBlade

    Question about IPv6 on a VPS that also has IPv4

    I'm new to IPv6 but I see all my servers have it and I dont use it. I do not know what to do with it yet but when thinking of something to do this thought came up. My ISP does not have IPv6 so my internet at home is all IPv4. Can I tunnel my traffic via IPv4 through my VPS, and use that to...
  14. SwitchBlade

    Any good deals on dedicated servers?

    Thank you. Anyone else? I really do not mind the location since this is more for development and projects than it is anyting else.
  15. SwitchBlade

    update on $1 per year vps idea (32MB Club)

    This thread is very long so I could not read it all but how do you expect to profit on such low prices? Will you even come out even? I don't think it's possible or why you would want to offer a service for so cheap when people pay much more for servers elsewhere.