
Recent content by winged_box

  1. winged_box

    iptables: Applying firewall rules: iptables-restore: line 10 failed

    SUPERB! I typed those commands in by following from a website, never thought it would be wrong. Thanks for pointing that out =)
  2. winged_box

    iptables: Applying firewall rules: iptables-restore: line 10 failed

    I'm using a VPS with Centos 6 and GNOME installed. Was trying to config my iptables but encounter with an error which I find it contradicting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0]...
  3. winged_box

    UltraVNC viewer 'Failed to connect to server' error

    THANK YOU FIXIDIXI! After I ran that code I was able to see what port my VNC is listening to and now I'm finally able to connect to it =)
  4. winged_box

    UltraVNC viewer 'Failed to connect to server' error

    - VPS server running CentOS 6, 32 bits. - Installed VNC server by doing: yum install tigervnc-server - Installed GNOME by doing: yum groupinstall "Desktop" - Edited vnc setting: Changed the vncservers="2:" to "1" - Started listening: service vncserver start - Start UltraVNC viewer - Failed...