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  1. P

    Looking for KVM VPS in LA

    easy --
  2. P

    Are SSL(HTTPS) Downloads Slower Than HTTP?

    Unless the data is highly compressible (e.g. text files), SSL won't significantly increase the traffic transmitted. If it is compressible, then you can enable gzip compression over SSL, but this has some security issues and isn't recommended unless absolutely needed. It's more likely that the...
  3. P

    How do you upload your files to your webserver?

    According to, FileZilla works fine with standard SSH agent. I tested it on Ubuntu with XFCE+GNOME-keyring and verified that I didn't need to do any key file format conversion. The PuTTY format is only necessary on Windows because FileZilla...
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    How do you upload your files to your webserver?

    @ModyDev by "unprotected file format", are you talking about transport encryption? Because FileZilla supports SFTP over SSH.
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    Luna Node - Holiday Promotions!

    Luna Node - the KVM Cloud Virtualization Platform Luna Node offers a powerful cloud virtualization platform featuring rapid virtual machine deployment, snapshotting capabilities, an API for automation, complementary minimal server monitoring and DNS hosting, security groups, detachable volumes...
  6. P

    IPv4 (>=/29), IPv6 (>=/64), Private Network, Bridging possible, Custom ISO

    We provide these features on Luna Node: Add up to 4x IPv4 addresses to your VM (limit can be increased if approved) You can create tenant networks that are private to your account The MAC address must match the one assigned to the interface, but you can use any IP address in the...
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    Parody of Diffie-Hellman

    What is "Diffie-Hellman expressivity"? Diffie-Hellman key exchange is actually very fascinating --
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    DNS Failover and Geo-targeting on Luna Node (looking for beta testers!)

    After much (several months) delay, we've finally launched a beta version of our upgraded DNS platform on Luna Node. The new platform is running on a modified geodns system and supports several features: Automatic failover: the DNS platform is integrated with our uptime monitoring system. On the...
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    DigitalOcean Unveil Floating IPs

    I see floating IP addresses and load balancing as a service systems as mostly orthogonal features. Floating IP address: allows you to manually move IP between instances, or automatically failover with your own control software. For example, if you are performing upgrades to your web...
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    DigitalOcean Unveil Floating IPs

    That blog post is laughably ignorant. Floating IP is a commonly used term, and Digital Ocean's implementation of it is virtually identical to that used by Amazon (elastic IP), OpenStack, and others. Just because they haven't launched load balancer as a service system doesn't make the floating IP...
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    Cloud Hosting Virtual Private Servers! The Mix

    I much prefer lemonade.
  12. P

    Luna Node: Toronto SSD Cloud

    Luna Node Dynamic - dynamic virtualization platform (KVM) Luna Node Dynamic is our powerful cloud virtualization platform featuring rapid virtual machine deployment, snapshotting capabilities, an API for automation, complementary minimal server monitoring and DNS hosting, security groups...
  13. P

    How do you exclude a sub-directory via bash?

    Good answer: man tar (or, if you're looking for a replacement for bash wildcard matching that supports exclusion, use find) Bad answer: tar -zcf /some/backup/folder/yoursite_www_$(date +"%m_%d-%Y_%H:%M").tar.gz --exclude=bigfiles /home/someuser/somesite/public_html
  14. P

    Best benchmarking script?

    I would recommend df More seriously, if you're planning on running a specific application on the server, then I'd develop a basic benchmark for that application and use that for most accuracy (of course, this takes some time, so it's only useful if the performance is actually an issue). For...
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    Best benchmarking script?

    And what would you recommend to benchmark how much disk space you have?
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    SSL Certificates under $5

    If there was a security issue somewhere in the system, e.g. one that made it possible to bypass validation, then I think it is reasonable to revoke certificates (albeit only with ample notification).
  17. P

    SSL Certificates under $5

    Yes, that doesn't necessarily mean the certificates were revoked for that reason though.
  18. P

    SSL Certificates under $5

    Someone posted a ticket suggesting it was all an error (possibly security issue with SingleHop's system that led to GlobalSign revoking it).