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    Celeron Mini ITX boards

    What is the speed of the RAM?
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    Recommend web comics

    Abstruse Goose, anyone?
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    ColoCrossing, Quick to Get Large IP Blocks Issued and Faster to Soil Them

    Burst is also pretty high up there (as Network Operations Center).
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    New WHMCS exploit (10-18-2013)

    The "evil" lines `eval` (haha), allowing for arbitrary code execution.
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    Who plays Leagues of Legends here?

    Silver III-IV here on solo/duo 5s, playing almost all Lulu. Just made Silver V on team 3s, playing Lulu. I play Lulu. I'm on NA: Indeed/Exterminate/InsDel.
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    Favourite Web-dev IDE?

    Light Table is pretty interesting.
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    Anyone can convert this into Nginx rewrite rules?

    location / { rewrite "^[A-Za-z]{3,}\s([^.]+)\.php" $1 redirect; try_files $uri.php =404; }
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    SSH on restrictive networks

    Not quite - there are tools like sslh that can handle this for you.