
Search results

  1. HyperExpert_Jeff

    Hyper Expert | Seattle Colocation starting at just $49/Month | 1Gbps/10Gbps/20Gbps

    Hello everyone, We have great colocation deals I would like to share with you. We own and manage all of our equipment. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] and we will be more than happy to create a custom quote for you. Full Cabinet Internet Special Full 42U...
  2. HyperExpert_Jeff

    locking for USA DCMA ignored server

    I think you're going to have a very difficult time finding a US based hosting company that ignores DCMA complaints..
  3. HyperExpert_Jeff

    Which helpdesk do you use?

    For the price and feature set, it's really hard to beat WHMCS.
  4. HyperExpert_Jeff

    e-commerce hosting : What is better: Magento or Os Commerce ?

    Magento is a more polished product, but it is expensive.
  5. HyperExpert_Jeff

    looking for Team Speak VPS

    Just out of curiosity, why are you looking at TeamSpeak vs just using discord? I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, I'm just curious as it seems like a lot more work for essentially the same thing.