
Let's talk about keeping all your VPSs up to date.


New Member
I'm struggling to keep all of them updated so was wondering what the others do.

How often you apt-get update and do you always backup before doing so?

What are generally considered good practices to keep them as updaded as possible without overkilling it?

Have you ever have the update break something?


New Member
I monitor the security update lists for the linux distributions and applications I use, and I only worry about updating when I see something there that potentially affects me.  Otherwise I don't worry about updates because they are just for bug fixes that probably don't affect me.  If I am running into a bug that a package update will fix, I install it.  This cuts down on the amount of updating considerably.

As an example, I subscribe to


New Member
Verified Provider
I'm struggling to keep all of them updated so was wondering what the others do.

How often you apt-get update and do you always backup before doing so?

What are generally considered good practices to keep them as updaded as possible without overkilling it?

Have you ever have the update break something?
Automated updates, cron tab script. Never broken anything yet.


New Member
I update (apt-get update; apt-get upgrade) every Sunday. Never had a problem with an update breaking something i need working. Though, i'm only doing this on Debian Stable.

On local boxes, i have staged binary backup of the partition, which makes a restore of a broken system very easy. I have a script, which writes a partition into a file (removing deleted data and compressing the output file), like this:


echo "[iNFO] - Writing zerofile"

TTIsWheezyMounted=`df -h|grep /wheezy|wc -l`

if [ "$TTIsWheezyMounted" = "0" ]; then
    echo "[iNFO] - Mounting /wheezy"
    mount /wheezy

dd if=/dev/zero of=/wheezy/zerofile bs=256M

echo "[ OK ] - Zerofile written, sleeping, syncing"


sleep 3



echo "[iNFO] - Removing zerofile"

rm -rf /wheezy/zerofile

echo "[iNFO] - Unmounting wheezy"

umount /wheezy

echo "[iNFO] - Creating backup"

dd if=/dev/mapper/vg-wheezy bs=256M|pigz -c -1|dd of=/backup/img/vg-wheezy-backup-`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`.img.gz bs=256M

echo "[ OK ] - OK, backup done:"

ls -ltr /backup/img|tail -1

mount /wheezy

exit 0

When i need to restore,i just decompress the file and write it to the partition using dd.

On remote machines, there is always some kind of reinstall, which brings the machine to a known, functional state. From that point i sequentialy use other scripts to bring the machine to the correct state as soon as possible. One of the scripts:


# This script sets /etc/hosts file, changes root password, sets the hostname,
# creates user catcher, sets up ssh keys for catcher and root, updates apt-get source
# file, updates OS and installs basing set of packages

# TODO: Timestamping

# Environment setup

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
TTicPackList=`cat /home/catcher/scripts/instconf-base-files/TTicPackList`
TTicPackList=`cat /home/catcher/scripts/instconf-base-files/TTicPackList`
TTLog=/var/log/TTinstconf-base-`date +"$Y$m$d$H$M$S"`.log

# Code BEGIN

# Checking parameters

if [ "$#" != "1" ]; then
        echo "[ERR0] - Incorrect number of parameters"
        echo "instconf-base - HDCS base system installation script"
        echo "Usage:"
        echo "instconf-base host"
        echo "host\t- hostname of the installed node"
        echo "Mind that script exits with exit code 1, if no parameters are set"
        echo "or incorrect number of parameters is set"
        exit 1

echo "[iNFO] - This is HDCS Base system installation and configuration script."

# Setting hostname

echo "[iNFO] - Setting hostname"
echo $1 > /etc/hostname
echo "[ OK ] - Hostname set"

# Hostname setting check

TTicHostF=`cat /etc/hostname`

if [ "$1" != "$TTicHostF" ]; then
    echo "[ERR0] - Setting writing hostname into /etc/hostname file failed"
    exit 4

# Changing root password

echo "[iNFO] - Changing root password"
echo "root:$TTicRootPass"|chpasswd

if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
    echo "[ERR0] - Changing root password failed"
    exit 5

echo "[ OK ] - Root password changed"

# Verifying if existing /etc/hosts file already has HDCS Namespace in it

echo "[iNFO] - Verifying existing hosts file"
TTicExistingHostsFileCheck=`grep "HDCS Namespace" /etc/hosts 2> /dev/null |wc -l`

if [ "$TTicExistingHostsFileCheck" != "0" ]; then
    echo "[ERR0] - HDCS Namespace already imported! Exiting!"
    exit 2
    echo "[ OK ] - Existing hosts file seems OK"

# Appending a newline and downloaded namespace into /etc/hosts

echo "[iNFO] - Importing namespace into hosts file"

# Backing up existing hosts file

mkdir /root/backup 2> /dev/null
cp /etc/hosts /root/backup/hosts-backup-`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`

# Adding HDCS namespace to /etc/hosts file

echo >> /etc/hosts
cat $TTicFilesPath/TThosts >> /etc/hosts
echo "[ OK ] - Namespace imported"

# Verifying if imported successfuly

echo "[iNFO] - Verifying imported data"
TTicImportedHostsCheck=`grep "HDCS Namespace" /etc/hosts 2> /dev/null |wc -l`

if [ "$TTicImportedHostsCheck" = "1" ]; then
    echo "[ OK ] - Imported Data Seems OK"
    echo "[ERR0] - Imported data NOT OK! Exiting!"
    exit 3

# Creating user catcher and setting it's password

echo "[iNFO] - Creating user catcher"
adduser --disabled-login --gecos Tomas catcher

if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
    echo "[WARN] - User creation failed (user catcher)"

chmod 700 /home/catcher

if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
    echo "[ERR0] - ACL securing catcher's home (chmod 700) failed"
    exit 6

echo "[ OK ] - Done creating user catcher"
echo "[iNFO] - Setting catcher's password"
echo "catcher:$TTicCatcPass"|chpasswd

if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
    echo "[ERR0] - Changing catcher's password failed"
    exit 7

echo "[ OK ] - Catcher's password set"

# Downloading catcher's rsa keys and known_hosts file from conman storage
# and copying them into .ssh of catcher

echo "[iNFO] - Setting up .ssh files for catcher"
mkdir /home/catcher/.ssh 2> /dev/null
chown catcher:catcher /home/catcher/.ssh
chmod 700 /home/catcher/.ssh
cat $TTicFilesPath/id_rsac > /home/catcher/.ssh/id_rsa
cat $TTicFilesPath/ > /home/catcher/.ssh/
cat $TTicFilesPath/authorized_keys > /home/catcher/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown catcher:catcher /home/catcher/.ssh/*
chmod 600 /home/catcher/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 /home/catcher/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 640 /home/catcher/.ssh/
echo "[ OK ] - Done setting up .ssh files for catcher"

# Downloading root's rsa keys and known_hosts file from conman storage
# and copying them into .ssh of root

echo "[iNFO] - Setting up .ssh files for root"
mkdir /root/.ssh 2> /dev/null
chown root:root /root/.ssh
chmod 700 /root/.ssh
cat $TTicFilesPath/id_rsar > /root/.ssh/id_rsa
cat $TTicFilesPath/ > /root/.ssh/
chown root:root /root/.ssh/*
chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 640 /root/.ssh/
echo "[ OK ] - Done setting up .ssh files for root"

# Downloading sources file from conman storage and replacing existing
# /etc/apt/sources.list with it

echo "[iNFO] - Installing apt sources file"
mkdir /root/backup 2> /dev/null
cp /etc/apt/sources.list /root/backup/sources.list-backup-`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`
cat $TTicFilesPath/TTicSL > /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "[ OK ] - Apt sources files installed"

# Update the OS before installing new packages

echo "[iNFO] - Updating OS"
apt-get -y --force-yes update > $TTLog 2>&1

if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
    echo "[ERR0] - 'apt-get update' failed in the first run"
    exit 8

apt-get -q -y --force-yes upgrade > /dev/null 2>&1

if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
    echo "[ERR0] - 'apt-get -q -y upgrade' failed"
    exit 9

echo "[ OK ] - OS update done"

# Downloading the list of packages for base installation from conman remote storage
# and installing them

echo "[iNFO] - Installing packages"
apt-get -q -y --force-yes install $TTicPackList > $TTLog 2>&1

if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
    echo "[ERR0] - 'apt-get -q -y install' failed"
    exit 10

echo "[ OK ] - Packages installed"

# All seems to be done and OK, informing and exiting

echo "[iNFO] - Installation of base system is done. Exiting"

exit 0

Depending on the actual node/VPS role, other scripts are being run after this one, installing the correct software and applying the correct configuration and content.

As mentioned above, i have never encountered problems with upgrading Debian Stable and had to use those restore techniques for different reasons.

Hope this brings enough light into how updates may be managed.