Not for you! We placed a special rule in our filters for you!Is the site going to be faster!?
Was it slow before? Is it faster now?Is the site going to be faster!?
Yes sir, their site is down. They are debugging the issue with their provider for the filtering.The website is completely down for me.
So, tl;dr - HE screwed up our routing. FiberHub contacted them directly with the ranges we need exempted from their BS, and at this point we're just waiting on HE to get that in place so we'll be back to normal enabled RPF on our port last night due to a large attack originating from our network using spoofed IP's that I wasn't able to track down - I didn't realize it would impact you. If you can send me the prefixes that you are sending over CNServers, I'll have add exceptions for them while we sort out the rest of this mess.
And a quote from IRC to cut the tension:Hello, enabled RPF on our port last night due to a large attack originating from our network using spoofed IP's that I wasn't able to track down - I didn't realize it would impact you. If you can send me the prefixes that you are sending over CNServers, I'll have add exceptions for them while we sort out the rest of this mess.
Rob Tyree
Fiberhub Colocation & Internet Services
Francisco[08:52] <DaIRC42327> welp, waiting on HE at this point
[08:52] <DaIRC42327> should be fast i hope
[08:52] <&Aldryic> HE? Fast?
[08:53] <&Aldryic> You're being optimistic again, boss.
[08:53] <lbft_>((((((((
[08:53] <DaIRC42327> i told Rob to offer them a pound of weed
[08:53] <DaIRC42327> in exchange for a fast turn around
[08:53] <lbft_> if we're relying on HE we're all doomed
[08:53] <DaIRC42327> being HE they'll hacky sack that shit into action
[08:53] <&Aldryic> hah
[08:53] <DaIRC42327> Aldryic you missed out man
[08:53] <DaIRC42327> every single HE worker is straight hippy
[08:53] <DaIRC42327> ' has so many addresses'
[08:53] <The_Hatta> how -- how would that not affect you >_>
[08:54] <DaIRC42327> 'like, 1 for every atom in the world'
[08:54] <lbft_> free love and free ipv6 tunnels
[08:54] <DaIRC42327> anyways this explains things
[08:54] <DaIRC42327> i set a source route
[08:54] <&Aldryic> Yeah... probably for the best that I never meet those folks <_<
[08:54] <&Aldryic> It would not end well.
[08:54] <DaIRC42327> forcing everything back over CN
[08:54] <DaIRC42327> but CN hates when we do that
[08:54] <&Aldryic> lol
[08:54] <DaIRC42327> that's why there was the big burst of working traffic
[08:54] <DaIRC42327> then it exploded into a big flaming ball of fran
[08:55] <The_Hatta> quote of the day\
So how doesn't something like this happen in other datacenters?So, tl;dr - HE screwed up our routing. FiberHub contacted them directly with the ranges we need exempted from their BS, and at this point we're just waiting on HE to get that in place so we'll be back to normal again.
That wouldn't change much. The problem is because we don't force outbound traffic over CN so we 'spoof' the traffic. It's really the only option given how much transit we push over the filtering ranges.So how doesn't something like this happen in other datacenters?
I'll raise my hand again for recommending BuyVM at least moves their website + other critical operations stuff outside of the Vegas facility.
We would need filtering wherever we put it. Which means this situation could have just as easily been replicated somewhere else at it was at FH.So how doesn't something like this happen in other datacenters?
I'll raise my hand again for recommending BuyVM at least moves their website + other critical operations stuff outside of the Vegas facility.
I am sympathetic, truly.We would need filtering wherever we put it. Which means this situation could have just as easily been replicated somewhere else at it was at FH.
There are also other points to consider... for starters, we would _never_ offload our panels to another host. That simply wont happen. We also learned the hard way (with CC) what happens when you cannot trust your own DC. I cannot think of anyplace offhand I would trust our hardware in more than FiberHub; and I sure as hell wont risk our clients’ info in someone else’s hands.
Sorry boss.That wouldn't change much. The problem is because we don't force outbound traffic over CN so we 'spoof' the traffic. It's really the only option given how much transit we push over the filtering ranges.