
Recent content by eddynetweb

  1. eddynetweb

    GreenValueHost - Lies, Lies & Lies - Indians, Aliases, Kids, Excuses and Cheats

    no no no, you're doing it wrong. Here, let me show you: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
  2. eddynetweb

    GreenValueHost - Lies, Lies & Lies - Indians, Aliases, Kids, Excuses and Cheats

    So... like... um... ugh.... Got proof you hacked them?
  3. eddynetweb

    NSA classifies Linux Journal readers, Tor and Tails Linux users as "extremists"

    The irony. Worst of all, they let the real terrorists though the radar by spying on geeks with pizza crumbs on their shirts.
  4. eddynetweb

    DMCA Talk at SlashDot.

    The irony. This. I wonder how many people actually fall for the "DMCA" requests that are not valid.
  5. eddynetweb

    Did SEO / fake traffic gang get put offline?

    Might have they disabled CloudFlare due to the slowdown in the recent days?
  6. eddynetweb

    update on $1 per year vps idea (32MB Club)

    We've learned you can stuff 16 static websites on a 64MB VPS, but this is just ridiculous. You have no business plan, chances are this will only last a year (heck, less possibly), and you're pricing it to seem like there is no cost what-so-ever on the node side. Yes, 32MB's is "LowEnd", but...
  7. eddynetweb

    Rainy Season

    It rains everyday here...
  8. eddynetweb

    ChicagoVPS - Christmas 2Gb Special

    Well, what do you know, they do sell em' on Ebay.
  9. eddynetweb

    Monitoring system - free beta

    Looks neat. What will be the pricing when it's released?
  10. eddynetweb

    Summer Hosts, Make me feel fine... Clouds4India

    "Creation Date: 24-jan-2014" They're also claiming to be a registered Ltd.
  11. eddynetweb

    Summer Hosts, Make me feel fine... Clouds4India

    Oh no: They're trouble alright...
  12. eddynetweb

    Summer Hosts, Make me feel fine... Clouds4India

    ServerMania is part of ColoCrossing? Oh, and they copied a bunch of text off ServerMania's website.