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    Hardening my server / Reality check

    The Yanks don't bother me - even if they are No. 2. The Brits even less. China is way out in the lead with 63%. What a waste.
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    Hardening my server / Reality check

    Hi, Back again with a related question: Two of the most scanned ports on my server are: 9064/TCP 3776 blocks 43767/UDP 805 blocks 9064 is constantly being scanned by the same Chinese subnet, accounting for over one third of all connection attempts. Similarly, I've noticed 43767 getting...
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    Online Radio

    Old thread I know, but I have additional info for posterity. I needed to to stream a long list of large spoken word mp3s of various bitrates from a low-specced Kimisufi. It must be totally autonomous, playing tracks from a playlist in specified or random order, and without transcoding...
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    Hardening my server / Reality check

    Yeah, I have. And my provider will do it for me if I need. I'm just going to leave to for a while, observe and worry about it when I'm production-ready. At that stage I will probably do a fresh install. I'll develop my script some more and publish it. It's a nice little eye-opener. Cheers for...
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    Hardening my server / Reality check

    @fixidixi No, it's a little more complex than that. In the end I have come up with a simple stopgap solution where I can temporarily enable passwords, then re-disable them after the client connects (it's not a dedicated ssh client, but works over sftp). Also, I have a very nice and portable...
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    Hardening my server / Reality check

    It's a proprietary Windows client. I've tried using Paegent to push the keys to it but as yet no success. Indeed if there is another way to get windows applications to pull the keys I'd love to know... 
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    Hardening my server / Reality check

    Thanks again for the advice above.  As far as I can gather, I'm seeing 'normal', and current volume is perfectly manageable (it even seems to have dropped-off). For fun, I knocked-up a little script to scan for UFW blocks and pinpoint the source ip on Google Maps. Not accurate in all cases of...
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    Hardening my server / Reality check

    @fixidixi - Thanks. I think this is the easiest solution, and I'm sure they will oblige. However I'm going to hold-off for now and use it as a learning opportunity. I've already started scripting. @MartinD - I don't even know where to begin with subnet blocking, so I'll be on Google for the...
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    Hardening my server / Reality check

    Hi, I just got a new server from a reputable provider I've used for some time . All is well, and I'm set-up with Ubuntu14.04. My first steps when getting a new server, after updating it, is to implement some basic security: 1. Disable root. 2. Enable only one user, added to sudoers (I am the...
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    BTSync - Bittorrent Sync file replication Mega Thread

    I've been using BTsync with success for over a year, syncing data across 3 servers and my LAN. It has worked like a champ. 
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    Favorite current Linux Desktop OS

    Crunchbang all the way. Nice and fast, it hasn't let me down once. 
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    True true, however I wouldn't be running an enterprise of an Atom -based server. For personal use though, such as a subsonic server, it's perfect.
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    Hi, Just a heads-up as I haven't seen it mentioned: OVH seem to be back offering their atom-based dedis again. Price has gone up a little but still seems good value, esp for the disk space.  I got in on the first round last year and I've been really happy with it...
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    Full Edward Snowden interview with Brian Williams

    This was all forewarned by Eisenhower. " holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite."...
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    IPv6 tunnel broker with OpenVPN on OpenVZ

    Thanks for sharing. This will come in very handy. :)
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    Writing a DB-Oriented Web App - Platform?

    I started using Ruby-on-Rails with Hobo and I'm enjoying it. So easy and quick to set-up a functional db-backed site. 
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    TV series recommendations?

    I've recently enjoyed: The Bridge (The Swedish/Danish version) Deadwood Party Down
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    How do you usually sync files across servers?

    BTSync is great. Set-and-forget syncing between 4 servers for the last 6 months. No problems.
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    Ukraine - Russia Situation

    In 1994, the USA and UK and Russia promised Ukraine protection of it's border integrity in return for relinquishing it's nukes. It's now obvious that this deal will be reneged-on, and Putin will be allowed his land-grab. The saber-rattling is for public consumption, but it could still...
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    Fail2ban configuration...

    +1 Denyhosts, though I think it is worth manually configuring at least once so that you understand what is happening. I found this to be an excellent guide.