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  1. jarland

    Happy birthday, HalfEatenPie!

    I missed this. Happy late birthday Don!
  2. jarland

    Syria madness

    The government is really testing it's people these days. They would do well to remember that our nation still holds some strong cultural points that maybe they underestimate: 1. We don't like to be told what to do. 2. We don't like things being done in our name that we don't approve of. 3...
  3. jarland

    Lowendbox is a corrupt marketplace

    Yeah umm...will be a customer next week because of that ;)
  4. jarland

    Review Whoring

    Honestly I frequently forget that I have service with you and that alone speaks volumes. It's been idle for a couple months now. I'll ramp up the usage on it (not bench don't worry, probably VPN) and try to write something up this week.
  5. jarland

    What do you guys think about ChromeBooks?

    Meh, a good tablet is better IMO.
  6. jarland

    Lowendbox is a corrupt marketplace

    This is not entirely true. Liam had been collecting a paycheck from ColoCrossing for quite a bit before this all came out. This would be false. ColoCrossing had taken over LEB quite a bit beforehand. For reference, just ask who Stephanie was. You'll never get an answer. That means the owners...
  7. jarland

    Volumedrive about to deadpool?

    Both leased? I kid ;)
  8. jarland

    Video Intro

    Me and Ryan do love us some After Effects. Feel free to consider us a resource.
  9. jarland

    [US, UK] TortoiseLabs vServer - 256MB RAM / 15GB DISK / 1000MBPS - $4.50/month

    Confused me when I saw the title, thought you started offering vServer virt ;)
  10. jarland

    Lowendbox is a corrupt marketplace

    Obviously I don't want to run around saying bad things about BuyVM, as great service as I've had all this time. I do, however, really want to see you in two US locations that don't involve CC. The network in Vegas is more than good enough, though my local run to it is a tad more than I'd like (I...
  11. jarland

    Lowendbox is a corrupt marketplace
  12. jarland

    Lowendbox is a corrupt marketplace

    The feeling I get when I read your posts some times Aldryic, can only be defined as a man crush. Don't tell my wife.
  13. jarland

    Lowendbox is a corrupt marketplace

    Meanwhile, at the colocrossing office...
  14. jarland

    The truth about ColoCrossing

    Gave in?
  15. jarland

    What's in your computer junk?

    At the city dump where they belong :P I saw how my grandparents never threw anything away and when I was a kid I promised myself to always be the opposite. If it has sentimental value, back up a photo of if before you throw it away ;)
  16. jarland

    Jake on Lowendtalk is a thief.

    True colors make their way out eventually.
  17. jarland

    The Almighty' Bitcoin Discussion.

    When I see "bitcoin" I think "toy money." The fact that it's major backing are people who would actually refer to themselves as "anonymous" and believe that said reference holds a meaning is more than enough to keep me away from it. Never seen a guy wearing a tie talking about bitcoin, it's...
  18. jarland

    Why is there no maximum wage

    Because if poor people ran the world everyone would starve together. Screw solidarity, I want a steak.
  19. jarland

    Volumedrive about to deadpool? pulls it off pretty nicely, but apparently it's an easier task in France. VolumeDrive had the benefit of being the lowest priced E3 in the US (as far as I'm aware, aside from limited promotions, they still qualify there), but the massive dumping of L5420's on the US market really...
  20. jarland

    Volumedrive about to deadpool?

    Burst is loving this. I bet they regretted that business deal some time ago. VolumeDrive would've pulled off their current business plan like a champ now. Problem is they tried it too early and when the market dropped to the point where budget clients no longer needed them, lowering their...