
Search results

  1. Damian

    $5 /Yr VPS => Limited Time Offer (BlueVM) [Yes Buffalooed It's CC]

    Regarding the 32mb plan, we used to offer one for what amounted to $6 per year. We stopped selling them after one guy bought 200 of them and then tried to do operations on all of them in parallel.
  2. Damian

    Buying HDD's in USA? Recommendations needed

    Amazon or Newegg. I get free two-day shipping on competitive prices with Amazon but they tend to package hard drives in an incorrect manner, so Newegg instead.
  3. Damian

    hello vpsboard

    Hello to you
  4. Damian

    Any experience with vehicle tracking?

    A phone isn't viable. The vehicles currently have a thing plugged into the OBD2 port, but they keep getting knocked off. I found which details using a GSM modem and a GPS module with an Arduino, but it's over...
  5. Damian

    Any experience with vehicle tracking?

    A new project I'm working requires tracking speed,miles,hours, and idle time of a running fleet vehicle, and then integrating this data into a maintenance plan. I see that there are plenty of all-in-one solutions for tracking your teenage daughter, and therefore the tracking company offers...
  6. Damian

    URPad Needs Help Improving - take Root Level Technology's Money

    I was going to take a look at my ticket so that I could make reference, but it appears that I can't look at it or it's broken or something: The gist was that after being a customer for about a year, I asked to be moved to a different node due to poor disk i/o on that node, only to be told...
  7. Damian

    URPad Needs Help Improving - take Root Level Technology's Money

    Anyone a current customer of theirs? Has their support improved?
  8. Damian

    Mandrill - Anyone using it?

    We've been using mandrill for some quite some time now, since about July of 2012, have had absolutely no problems with it. It's a great burden off of our shoulders to not have to worry about if our customers are getting our emails or not.
  9. Damian

    ChicagoVPS SSL certificate has been revoked

    They should switch to using AlphaSSL... they send me somewhere near 5,000 reminder emails that an SSL cert is expiring.
  10. Damian

    vpsBoard advertisements and availability

    Ah, I figured you would have contacted the person who made the request :P So are there any spots available then?
  11. Damian

    I need a mouse surface

    How about freeing yourself from the constraints of your desktop space and from menial operations like moving the mouse with your entire hand and letting your spirit run free with an upside down mouse? Since switching to a trackball I no longer have weird pains in my right arm. I also find it...
  12. Damian

    vpsBoard advertisements and availability

    I requested one of the spots but didn't get contacted about it?
  13. Damian

    Colocrossing IP charges

    I wouldn't say "less pain", but paramount to our continued operation.
  14. Damian

    Colocrossing IP charges

    I'm preparing to renumber and give back 1,536 addresses. Knowing the hell that involves renumbering addresses on VM servers should speak for itself.
  15. Damian

    Crissic Solutions LLC abandon LA

    We got another IP block from someone else (it's easy to determine if you want to know who it is.....), and: Calihop, a single guy who's a reseller through AIS, had our new IP blocks up and running in 7 days. Colocrossing, who maintains their own networking directly, took 5 weeks to get fully...
  16. Damian

    Biggest, Cheapest VPS dumping to date?

    FWIW, Dell R810/910's are getting dumped on ebay for $cheap lately. I'm seeing 4x 8 core with 256gb of RAM in the $4-5k range. Doesn't come with a massive pile of drives, though. Speaking of that, that SC847E16-R1K28LPB supermicro chassis looks like a serious operator. You KNOW they mean...
  17. Damian

    Colocrossing IP charges

    Everyone gets different pricing. (edit, thanks vpsboard for interpreting my pressing enter as posting for whatever reason....) Comparing what we get with what other people get, there's definitely some variation in pricing. Therefore, i'm not sure people will want to post their pricing in a...
  18. Damian

    Smokeping installation How-to or Tutorial for Debian? was the one that I followed.