
Search results

  1. mikho

    Free 1U server, you pay tech time & shipping.

    Instead of shipping, would it be possible to colo? What would that cost in that case?
  2. mikho

    Running your own failover DNS setup

    I was talking to joepie the other day about failover and cloudflare. found this little gem on how to parse JSON results in bash. Link:
  3. mikho

    Advice on finding a decent reseller account

    If it's not good enough I'll refund your money
  4. mikho

    How to have a VPS failover to another VPS if the first one goes down?

    You still have to monitor the servers and update the DNS records if one goes down, at least with cloudflare. Cloudflare will still serve both IPs which will give some users the error page instead. I'm looking in on how to use the Cloudflare API to update DNS zones. Reason that I'm looking...
  5. mikho

    Advice on finding a decent reseller account

    I'm going out on a limb here and suggest myself :| can't give you ssh but I'll help as much as I can if/when you move. Server is in Miami, not EU but still on the "right" side of The US. Feel free to use the coupons @ Edit: didn't read...
  6. mikho

    Users with tapatalk......

    Dude! Mann up and do it! Pretty please with sugar on top. :)
  7. mikho

    Expired Promo Codes

    I haven't posted the reseller thingy here, only on lowendspirit forum. Good luck in your search
  8. mikho

    Users with tapatalk......

    Is it possible to edit the settings in Tapatalk and remove the signature that your post is made from your phone with Tapatalk. Nothing major but it disturbs my 1938 east German senses. Thank you!
  9. mikho

    Failure rate on harddrives

    Blogpost on backblaze about the failure rate on harddrives. Which model is your favourite?
  10. mikho

    WHMCS Security Advisory TSR-2014-0001

    They have but not everyone at once.
  11. mikho - how it started

    apology accepted.
  12. mikho

    Ideas and suggestions for vpsBoard

    Perhaps the coder has Tourettes?
  13. mikho

    planning: utra cheap ipv6 vps's

    Then your target audience will be even less.
  14. mikho

    planning: utra cheap ipv6 vps's

    $1/year and the paypal fees on that, not much you would put in your pocket from that. Openvz to make it work at all, good luck selling those on LE*, they will only say they get more resources somewhere else.
  15. mikho

    Twitter campaigns

    I've tested addmefast with retweets and the result has been so-so. My budget to promote via twitter or facebook is almost none at the moment.
  16. mikho - how it started

    And so are vpsBoard, I don't see the difference?
  17. mikho

    Q4 2013 Lowendtalk Top Provider Poll Results

    If are talking about UG and I got the timeline correct she wasn't the ex when it started.
  18. mikho

    I guess DamnVPS/ThrustVPS got hacked

    Did you reply to the email?
  19. mikho

    Q4 2013 Lowendtalk Top Provider Poll Results

    Reading a few old threads on LET I get the feeling that she handles the financial part and Sal the technical.