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  1. jarland

    [Catalyst Host] KVM Launch Promo 256MB $5/m

    Heck I've got a couple from RamNode ;)
  2. jarland

    Customer Support Response Time

    The issue in question here could be quite difficult if your IP is absent from any blocks on their end. Either this company is completely incompetent or you're looking at an issue that may be outside of their short term control. I don't know how the second can be true, but I'm not sitting in...
  3. jarland

    A VPS index / database

    I love it. I think it addresses what serverbear lacks, which is a good system for providers to update info. Would have to be subject to strict moderation for obvious reasons.
  4. jarland

    [Catalyst Host] KVM Launch Promo 256MB $5/m

    And now you see why we did it hahaha Apparently I used up my "thanks" allotment.
  5. jarland

    CatalystHost 2GB Trenta KVM VPS Review

    "Frylock, please. That was a computer simulation program. And it proved to me that you don't know what I like and what I like to do. And that is to tell you what to do. And you need to listen to what I say 'cause I'm gonna eat your brains!" -Meatwad
  6. jarland

    CatalystHost 2GB Trenta KVM VPS Review

    Bahahahaha and then crash his own game client with the little turrets. I lined my house with nukes and dared Ryan to blow it up. Guess he didn't know how well they work...
  7. jarland

    CatalystHost 2GB Trenta KVM VPS Review

    You, sir, are awesome. Thanks for the kind words and for writing up a review of the KVM test. Also now Ryan is hooked on FTB.
  8. jarland

    LowEndTalk Thoughts

    On the other side, who decides when people should stop talking about something? Is there a universal standard for how long something is allowed to be fresh on one's mind? Should people not be allowed to be bitter? If not, what else do you dislike that we should also seek rules for? Perhaps I...
  9. jarland

    Install OpenVZ on CentOS 6

    Idea being that what firewall to use is up to the user at that point, but certainly worth noting. An alternative would be to replace it with this line: iptables -D FORWARD 1 As the default CentOS 6 installation has a block in the forward chain.
  10. jarland

    Install OpenVZ on CentOS 6

    I shared this on 96forum but might as well share here as well. This is a script I put together from a combination of a script on github and from Tim's (Hostigation) script. This script will take you from a fresh CentOS 6 install to an OpenVZ node in one move. Keep in mind that securing...
  11. jarland

    LowEndTalk Thoughts

    I'll agree and telling someone that discussion that is irrelevant to system administration, billing, or support somehow reflects on their services is one of them. I take it as little more than a tactic to try to coerce people into shutting up when they're saying things that you don't like, and...
  12. jarland

    LowEndTalk Thoughts

      Personally I'd rather not have a single client who would choose their services by this. Not a single one. I don't want clients who just glide with the wind from host to host every month or two. I mean following that logic as a provider would mean that the moment I step outside my door, open...
  13. jarland

    LowEndTalk Thoughts

    If you say so. LET was the summer host hate club then I guess. Just because people post about it frequently doesn't mean that's the focus of a forum. You're judging a community based on a high volume of discussion about something that was/is currently relevant to nearly everyone posting here. If...
  14. jarland

    LowEndTalk Thoughts

    Now, I'm not being dramatic. Let's establish that first and foremost. You brought this up, I'm responding. That isn't for your benefit, that's for people who keep telling me "Dude you need to just chill." I'm chilled. I think you should cut people some slack on this. Consider the events that...
  15. jarland

    Credit Cards

      Thanks for the tip! I won't pretend for a second that I haven't made some bad choices, I'm just extremely thankful that the end result is manageable.
  16. jarland

    I have OCD Help!

    Fighting 1/2 of my OCD by refusing to vote. Failing to fight the other 1/2 of it by the compulsive need to post about what I didn't do. I fail at life.
  17. jarland

    Billing system discussion

    I'm watching with a lot of interest now that you're talking about panel integrations. I like the name, always have. The ios app developer can deal with it ;)
  18. jarland

    List of reliable sub 20$ per year providers Open a presales ticket if interested and Ryan can tell you if we have any stock open :)
  19. jarland

    Starting a hosting company

    Yep! Haha I hope like hell that in the end people can at least say of me "Well, the guy was honest, even when he was stupid." ;)