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  1. WebSearchingPro

    GreenValueHost forced password reset - Security breach?

    Their VP of Ops is a very talented admin, however who it is is confidential unfortunately. Just know you are in good hands!
  2. WebSearchingPro

    GreenValueHost forced password reset - Security breach?

    I just talked to Jon, their sysadmin blocked off whmcs admin to prevent anymore resets. I personally was tired of getting spammed with password emails :(.
  3. WebSearchingPro

    Can I automatically follow posts that I participate in?

    You can change your auto follow from - or Edit profile > Notification options
  4. WebSearchingPro

    GreenValueHost forced password reset - Security breach?

    Looks like I got beat the the pastebin, PM'd The last password sent is valid.
  5. WebSearchingPro

    GreenValueHost forced password reset - Security breach?

    I just got 8 password reset emails starting at 12:01 this afternoon and one randomly every so often. Something is up.
  6. WebSearchingPro

    GreenValueHost forced password reset - Security breach?

    It appears that it was accidental, I had my password reset then a second email shortly after saying its being looked into. I believe the investigation is into the person who reset the passwords. To be fair though with all the trolling everyone is doing to GVH i.e. people spamming GVH threads...
  7. WebSearchingPro

    vzlist unknown field?

    Happens to the best of us ;)
  8. WebSearchingPro

    OVH 1GB ddos protected VPS, Quebec

    I'm assuming its included with the DDoS VAC2 that they are using for their dedicated offering. Yes, they offer VAC in their Canada datacenter. OVH has had VPS for a fairly long time, however the quality has been poor compared to most low end offerings as well as the unability to keep up with...
  9. WebSearchingPro

    vzlist unknown field?

    When you are looking at the 'vzlist -L' The -o field will be the first column So essentially your command will be 'vzlist -H -o physpages'
  10. WebSearchingPro

    ARP issue?

    Is it just one IP or multiple?
  11. WebSearchingPro

    NodeServ, LLC - 2 GB for $4.50/month

    Its an entirely different company.
  12. WebSearchingPro

    Google Apps Email free alternative

    Self hosted? Or are you looking at giving the NSA easy access ;)
  13. WebSearchingPro

    Looking for job

    I'd also like to point out that this is also on HackForums This post looks copied and pasted and modified from various places. Edit: Its signed...
  14. WebSearchingPro

    Looking for job

    I see, from the referenced post: On Topic: That answers my question about timezone.
  15. WebSearchingPro

    Looking for job

    I didn't see it mentioned in your post, what timezone are you in? I see "off-hours" but that is rather vague as many companies are in different parts of the world. 
  16. WebSearchingPro

    Solus VM questions

    Are you trying to run a hosting company from your laptop  :unsure: You will experience issues when you sync ISO/Templates if you do it from solus, likely if your internet is not fast enough users will experience problems. If your laptop for some reason goes to sleep, people won't be able to...
  17. WebSearchingPro

    Coolest traceroute tool? I think so

    Rolling your mouse wheel zooms it in
  18. WebSearchingPro

    Please help me: VestaCP - Cannot get outgoing mail to work with an external client

  19. WebSearchingPro

    Crowdfunding - Custom WHMCS Implementation

    It seems that WISP companies are sort of like VPS companies, there are guides on the internet: and some people just start them on a whim.
  20. WebSearchingPro

    Ubuntu Download Time

    Cool you have quite the selection there :)