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  1. Y

    What's your flat file blog of choice?

    I've heard about Nibbleblog. What about that one?
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    Whats Your Monthly Mobile Data Use

    God... Here (MX) the mobile data is really really expensive compared with that plans that you have. For prepaid contracts, we are talking about 40USD per 3GB/month getting some "packages". But for data "on the go", it costs around 0.20USD per MEGABYTE. The postpaid users maybe can get...
  3. Y

    123Systems sold again?

    In the meanwhile, my unique server there from long ago got... destroyed and recreated ¬_¬ Fortunately I didn't had anything there. Honestly, I had better times when Andrew was there. And for this supposed "sale" (or just changing owner name maybe?), I don't think it will get any better.
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    Kimsufi Decides Maybe Forums Aren't The Best Place For Billing Support

    Gto the Runabove credits a couple of days ago, and overall seems fantastic. The other offer isn't interesting for me. Just one month =(
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    Linux swappiness - how do you set optimal value?

    This. Swap is bad, period. If you need to swap, then you need more ram. Anyway, I use it at "1"   :P
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    OpenITC OpenVZ 256 MB (UK)

    Yep solid as rock, but unfortunately I cancelled mine because it was just idling. One of the best offers around, when they started to offer KVM stuff. Even cheaper than this plan and with 256MB too.
  7. Y $1/mo cloud?

    Well, both my credit and debit cards were declined and no idea why. Maybe I should not try them... Maybe they should implement another payment gateway ¬¬
  8. Y - 30% to 90% discount codes!

    Interesting site/idea I created an account and didn't found an option to use something else than CC for payments. Do you will be adding the option to use Paypal?
  9. Y

    Talk Show Host Starts IP Spoofing Friendly VPS Service In Buffalo

    On a serious note, probably I need a host which allow this to fake some UDP packets send to the master list of Quake 3 and get one of my servers listed. But despite that, this provider doesn't seem to be the best choice hehe...
  10. Y

    WWW vpsboard site

    I see. Maybe something needs to keep "pinging" the master (NJ) one, to see if it's available again and switch back. But I don't have much idea about this configurations. Thanks for fixing this.
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    WWW vpsboard site

    No idea where to put this, so I just throw it here. Today I got here via  (or, and found this: Thanks for reading.
  12. Y

    Places to Get SSL Certs?

    I just got one wildcard for $45 from "Garrison Host" =)
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    DigitalOcean New York City 3

    Maybe they are getting full at the other NYC ones
  14. Y

    OpenITC OpenVZ 256 MB (UK)

    A little detail. The dd output is incomplete, or was cut or something =P Edit: And yes, OpenITC probably has the panel with most features in the market (at least the low end market).
  15. Y

    Binding a process to an IP on Linux

    WOW, pretty interesting for some software that doesn't allow this. Thanks
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    Have you ever been given more resources then you paid to receive?

    At Datashack, I got a little bit better processors in their "AMD Dual Opteron 2216" server (got 2218s).
  17. Y

    Dallas SSD VPS 1GB RAM $4.5/m | 2GB $7/m [Cloud Shards]

    A question, these KVM storage boxes have restrictions about the content that can be hosted or software that can be run?
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    GluserFS Fuse Still Needed?

    GlusterFS? At least the clients need it AFAIK. Not sure about the server side, but probably isn't needed.
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    iwStack 4 month review

    Well, you should assign a root volume to your instance. So, it can be even 1GB if you want. The tutorial is an example I guess. And if you use the templates provided, you are forced to use an specific root volume size.
  20. Y

    HE BGP Toolkit scraper

    Exactly what I was looking for yesterday to block a whole AS. Thanks everybody.