
Search results

  1. HalfEatenPie

    PhotonVPS(Psychz) recommended by Anyone?

    Yeah good luck if you do decide to go with them.  I believe one of their representatives frequent the forum every once in a while to drop an offer, feel free to send him a PM or something.   I know Iniz has moved their LA location to Psychz and currently really enjoy it.  So who knows?  
  2. HalfEatenPie

    Selling some Google Apps Domains

    Please stop bumping.  
  3. HalfEatenPie

    The cesspit / chat thread.

    greenhunter2 Ladies.  You can all call me xXxGreenHunter2xXx.  I will be taking phone numbers and emails now for your proposal of intercourse.
  4. HalfEatenPie

    Hostress, LLC has acquired GreenValueHost v2 Clients and domain.

    (╯ಠ_ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻
  5. HalfEatenPie

    Urthecast - Livestream from the ISS

    That's pretty nifty.  I couldn't do anything because it was "Reconnecting to live feed..." for like an entire 3 minutes and I kinda lost interest.  But I'll give it a shot later.
  6. HalfEatenPie

    Burn in Hell AT&T - Unlimited Lies Have them Simmering in Government Water

    Think of all the Texas BBQ you can have though with that money.   Dem briskets weep.  
  7. HalfEatenPie

    Car Ride Service Uber Ruled EMPLOYER by California Labor Commission

    From my experience of using Uber back in Texas and New York, it wasn't that bad.  I mean yeah you ended up having to talk to the driver (because the driver always wanted to try and cut the "tension" by talking to you and being social, which isn't a bad thing) and the entire time you're just...
  8. HalfEatenPie

    Hostress, LLC has acquired GreenValueHost v2 Clients and domain.

    So true.   However, going back on topic, I wish the best for the Hostress team.   A little bit of a rant here.  This is mostly geared towards old GVH Staff and current XFuse folks since they now share the same bed and is kinda unrelated to Hostress.  I get that you guys are trying to sound...
  9. HalfEatenPie

    Install and configure KVM to your dedicated server

    Proxmox, Virtualizor, Solus, oVirt, honestly any on this list: There's also WebVirtMgr.  There are a ton available with a Web Panel.  However, some people prefer not managing their services through a browser because it's considered additional...
  10. HalfEatenPie

    Hostress, LLC has acquired GreenValueHost v2 Clients and domain.

    ... I don't understand what potential you see in this.   Clients who were with GVH were after the bottom-est of all barrels and unsustainable plans.  The "assets" you've "purchased" are (essentially) the clients.  I'm pretty sure there's ways for it to work for you, however bottom line overall...
  11. HalfEatenPie

    The cesspit / chat thread.

    It's getting heated over here! 
  12. HalfEatenPie

    WebHostingTalk Worst of the Hosting Industry

    Yeah I mean it's definitely an emotional issue for many people that's for sure.  Just as a business-wise I didn't see a problem with it.  I'm also equivalent to a crotchety old grandpa so it's my own deconstruction.  You're more than free to toot your own horn as much as you want, I'm simply...
  13. HalfEatenPie

    IT'S OFFICIAL - GreenValueHost is Closing and Jonny Nguyen is Leaving Hosting

    It's official.  @Francisco is actually a real live horse and @Aldryic C'boas is an actual pony.  For years those pictures are simply CSI-level Photoshopping done with clever visual effects.  On the internet, no one knows you're a pony/horse/in a stable.  
  14. HalfEatenPie

    WebHostingTalk Worst of the Hosting Industry

    Cool.     While I agree that WHT is definitely one of the bigger web hosting forums, just because it's the "biggest one" doesn't mean it should be policed in the way you recommend.  They operated a certain way, they grew up operating that specific way, and some how people enjoyed it and the site...
  15. HalfEatenPie

    WebHostingTalk Worst of the Hosting Industry

    Alright so this entire video is a hot potato and honestly shouldn't be touched with a 12 foot pole.  I only watched through the first 10 minutes of it so if there's anything else to add on or clarified later then let me know.   I'm gonna go out on a limb here and give my comments.  Also just to...
  16. HalfEatenPie

    IT'S OFFICIAL - GreenValueHost is Closing and Jonny Nguyen is Leaving Hosting

    True.  But WHT isn't the entire web hosting industry.  May be for the budget brands though...  
  17. HalfEatenPie

    IT'S OFFICIAL - GreenValueHost is Closing and Jonny Nguyen is Leaving Hosting

    Since when is "Brand President" an actual title?   I call shenanigans and bs and expect to see him back in the next month or so.  Especially since Duke told us earlier that no we won't see him anymore and yet we later found out this was  not true.   I totally expect him to pull an "Adam...
  18. HalfEatenPie

    Jonny Nguyen - GreenValueHost - Raided by Police.

    Well...  Ignoring if this is CC pricing (since he still does owe CC money from what I recall).  It sounds like he's doing this a Dual E5620 node with 48 GB RAM and 2x 2 TB HDD for 75/month at Dacentec.  The CPU Core speed is about right (2.66 GHz max, 2.40 GHz regular) but the count is off, and...
  19. HalfEatenPie

    Dual L5420 Giveaway

    haha thanks! However unfortunately the server's already gone.  Thank you very much for the donation though! :)