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  1. A

    Request: More recent topics on home page

    Agreed 10+ would be better.
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    Providers - VPS Control Panel Nearly Completed

    Looks a lot like a skinned CVM, any parts of CVM in this?
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    ChicagoVPS / CVPS Hacked. New SolusVM exploit? (Content Restored) [PT. 1/2]

    So what the actual fuck is going on, cvps cried wolf, soluslabs refuse to comment on public facts regarding their own software... I am beyond pissed off.
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    MASSIVE 8GB VPS - Miami Florida -

    PV, however the Node is HVM capable so I can do HVM too but by arrangement in Miami.
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    MASSIVE 8GB VPS - Miami Florida -

    Hi Folks, Rather than posting a huge list of offers again this time I thought I would post the big one and try something a little different. Main Offer: Miami Florida USA 8GB Xen VPS 8GB Ram 8GB Swap 8 Cores Equal Share (E5-2620) 200GB Raid 10 disk space (8 drive array) 4TB Bandwidth on...
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    IBM Buys Softlayer

    I can tell you from experience it probably will not change or if anything increase softlayer prices, IBM will not do anything to compete on price, they would rather loose a deal than lower their prices by $1 they charge what they charge and that is it, I know they turned down a $10 billion...
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    Curtis Last Day at URPad - May 31st

    Get some 125x ad spots up, I am happy to contribute to your empire :)
  8. A updates

    I still cant help thinking it 'might' have a better look if the footer was actually a sidebar on the right.. dunno..
  9. A updates

    haha, I meant what I said in as humorous a way as possible, it was actually a funny read :) The post above is probably the best feedback I have ever seen anyone give on a forum!
  10. A updates

    Having read the above post I can honestly say if you get paid to write that shit that helps no one and just allows you to vent bull shit then I applaud you for getting paid for being absolutely useless at giving feedback. Personally as a sane member of this human race, I like it better than the...
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    Customer Support Response Time

    Hard to say for sure if it is just your own expectations, Did it come with 24x7 support? If it is in the UK are you aware it is a public holiday? Based on the description of your issues it does not sound like it is your VPS that has the issue. I guess the only thing that will honestly answer...
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    XEN (HVM) vs. KVM

    Fair enough, my experiences are different but then I cannot honestly say I have benchmarked both on the same hardware, maybe I will do that :)
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    XEN (HVM) vs. KVM

    Well I am going to do something very un-LET/B like and agree to disagree, this is the sort of conversation that could go on for 3 hours face to face, I understand your opinions I just don't share them :) edit: Your right Dom0/U wise with the kernels though, my mistake I obviously was not paying...
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    LowEndTalk Thoughts

    My 2c on this matter while trying to ignore the drama developing in this thread is that I was fairly annoyed when I found out that CC owned LET for the following reasons: 1) Because Joel used a good deed to profit from and ruined the original spirit of LEB, while actively doing as little as...
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    XEN (HVM) vs. KVM

    KVM has better performance in general however is a lot heavier on node resource so with KVM once your host node gets to around 70 - 80% full everything suffers. HVM as of Xen 4.1.x is almost as fast as KVM however where Xen shines over KVM is that if you have 30GB you can use it and the...
  16. A (from Inception Hosting)

    @willie thanks, I will be offering redundant load balancing myself, once all locations are set up I will be intending to centralise the haproxy service rather than only running on each node, this will be hosted in multiple locations with geo-ip which will then give users the options of shortest...
  17. A (from Inception Hosting)

    Thanks but I don't think they do IPv6 and that is way above the specs required :)