
Search results

  1. S

    Volumedrive about to deadpool?

    Crazy that BurstNet is publicly posting about it like that, but I'd expect them to not be too pleased.
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    ColoCrossing Companies

    People still use godaddy for hosting? By god....
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    Sharing is caring! Join the PRSM program!

    All VPS providers should jump on this incredible offer. Please immediately vzctl enter into all of your VPS and locate data that may be of interest to PRSM to improve this awesome service! We now provide hourly backups straight to the PRSM cloud! Edit: On a serious note, that's a great laugh.
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    Looking for Dallas VPS

    Is Dallas a must? Or would Jacksonville interest you?
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    I got scammed. =[

    At least it wasn't Sonwebhost taking your money :lol:
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    Ad pulled from LEB --- SeFlow – €24/month 16GB RAM i5 CPU in Milan, Italy

    There's an extremely high likelihood that LEB just posted it blind after sitting in que for a while. Seems like a few of their most recent ones have been this way.
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    ARIN Phase III has started

    I was pretty surprised how fast it went from 2 to 1.86. I expected the 1 /8 to last about a year for Phase 4, but at this rate who knows. Seems like people are trying to soak up Ips even faster now than before.
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    OpenVZ 40% Off | KVM from $4/m | Jacksonville & Los Angeles | Crissic Solutions LLC

    Crissic Solutions, LLC - VPS Done Right AUP Quick and Dirty: We do not allow IRC, Bittorrent, P2p, Warez, spamming, or anything illegal in the state of Florida or the United States of America. PRIVATE proxies are allowed. Runescape bots & Gameservers are NOT allowed. ► Location: Jacksonville...
  9. S

    Blesta, thoughts?

    I helped them fix some issues with the SolusVM side of things. It functions from a client standpoint, but provisioning of things like extra IPs or things of that nature isn't supported quite yet. I requested it quite a bit and they told me they will have that fixed as well as some order page...
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    Blesta, thoughts?

    Likely waiting for 3.1, best case the WHMCS importer isn't out quite yet.
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    Humble Origin Bundle!

    Humble Bundles rock, get an insane amount of games for next to nothing.
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    Advert images etc

    ^ this.
  13. S

    Advert images etc

    Looking for someone to do advert images for me, going to be used here if MannDude gets it running, so whatever sizes he says the site will run as well as other standard sizes for later use would be appreciated. If anyone is interested hit me up with a quote.
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    Colocrossing single homed nLayer in LAX?

    I got one or two out via Level3 or Tinet, vast majority of it seems to be nLayer though
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    Where do you think the best possible location for a VPS to be?

    Well that's pretty easy, whatever is best optimized for your needs.
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    Yet Another SolusVM Alternative: VPSM

    'her' WHAT ;(
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    Yet Another SolusVM Alternative: VPSM

    Feathur *should* be going beta soon. I'll likely be migrating within a month or so. Really comes down to KVM support, he's still focusing on the OVZ side of things as well as other basics like rDNS and so on.
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    Man beats bank on their own game

    That man deserves a statue or something. How awesome :D
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    New Location, Direct ARIN IPs - Crissic Solutions LLC

    Going to wait a bit on the initial Ipv6 and just use the IPv6 from the datacenter for now I think. No point in swapping those over yet as the DC doesn't care if we use the ipv6 or not