
Search results

  1. nunim

    Zimmerman found not guilty.... Your thoughts?

    As a proud Floridian, I can safely say that I'm glad he walked, I was reasonably sure that he was going to but it's nice to know that not all people are so easily influenced by mass media. Indeed, they didn't arrest and charge him with a crime until after substantial public(media) pressure. ...
  2. nunim

    Whats your home connection speed?

    Not much better unfortunately. AT&T U-Verse FTTP = CRAP On the west coast of Florida they're able to get Verizion FIOS(150/65) but since AT&T has a monopoly here and absolutely no plans to really upgrade their equipment for better speeds or IPv6(even their god awful tunnel) it sucks...
  3. nunim

    How to Change SSH Port on Ubuntu

    Or on Debian/Ubuntu (OpenSSH), simply change xxx to your desired port number. sed -i.bak '/Port/c\Port xxx' /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/init.d/ssh restart
  4. nunim

    Get your own /64 IPv6 network without the help of your provider

    Checkout: Seems pretty simple, same API as the dynamic dns. Additionally if you host your domain on their dns you can have your IPv6 tunnel sync to your dynamicdns hostname whenever you update it.  If you already have your dynamic dns...
  5. nunim

    Prometeus to launch Cloud services. Beta testers needed !

    Submitted a ticket, it was pretty hard to login since I didn't know my information, had to figure out which email I used and look it up.  Haven't needed the control panel or anything in like 8 months, just shows how stable Prometeus really is.
  6. nunim

    KVM in Atlanta (34 Peachtree)

    Isn't colocrossing in that building? I remember crystal from ugvps complaining of a power failure recently. Shouldn't be hard to find a CC host, almost everyone on leb uses them..
  7. nunim

    WHT Down

    Is there anything of actual value in the Premium forums?  I can browse the topics and there doesn't seem to be that much activity.
  8. nunim

    Reserving Disk Space you Purchased from the Oversold VPS providers

    First, I don't KNOW you oversell unless you tell me?  Many providers claim not to oversell at all. Second, If I was to use the full resources that I have purchased legitimately (website, whatever..), wouldn't my sole interest still be the same?   
  9. nunim

    IPv6 Availability by City

    As far as I know, right now, both BuyVM locations are IPv6 tunneled only.
  10. nunim

    IPv6 Availability by City

    ServerDragon is offering native IPv6 in Tampa. Anthony is offering IPv6 out of Miami  If you're trying to serve the Florida market the best place for your VPS is Atlanta. I don't really understand this list, just because the lowend provider pool is slow to adopt IPv6 doesn't mean it's not...
  11. nunim

    thread for buffalooed to investigate

    Am I the only one who's sick of seeing providers that only use CC locations? I'm not as much of a CC hater as some here but general their network is crap and they still don't support IPv6...  Maybe if they hadn't bought LET they could've spent the money for some IPv6 capable routers? When I had...
  12. nunim

    Reserving Disk Space you Purchased from the Oversold VPS providers

    I feel like this topic turned into How Do You Operate Your VPS Company...   So to get back on topic, as far as writing blocks to the disk to "reserve" your disk space, well I don't see why you shouldn't be allowed to do it, but if you're using a provider where you feel it's necessary to go to...
  13. nunim

    Your new VPS is provisioned, what is the first thing you do once you connect?

    I'm surprised that no one has mentioned this yet.. free -m  && ps -aux apt-get remove apache* bind9* sasl* samba* sendmail* exim* apt-get update && apt-get upgrade reboot ... free -m I usually run my setup script though, just does most of that and a little more like changing SSH ports, then I...
  14. nunim

    "Right" to Remain Silent

    Not sure how I didn't see anything about this but I guess I've been away from my newspaper for the past few days.  Seems to be some sketchy legal precedent, good thing I'm moving to Canada where I'll have even less rights, like being pulled over without probable cause :P I don't understand why...
  15. nunim

    Weird plane on Google Maps

    I always thought this would be something awesome to see in person, too bad I don't think I'll ever go to AZ. Even zoomed out like that it's truly impossible to imagine the size of this place and quantity of planes they have, there's a commercial airliner storage facility not too far away as well.
  16. nunim

    Weird plane on Google Maps

    Thought this post was going to be about the plane with folding wings that used to be around SeaTac, well maybe it still is, didn't see it last time I was there in March though.  I usually just fly straight to YVR these days, SeaTac is expensive this time of year. Yeah that's just a taxing Delta...
  17. nunim

    Need a Level 1 or 2 Tech? Hire Me Now!

    The FL job market is pretty awful, and since I'm trying to save money to finance a move to Canada I figured why not give my friends at VPSBoard the chance to hire me. I'm an experienced tech, who's familiar with industry standard support software (WHMCS, Kayako, etc..), extremely technically...
  18. nunim

    ChicagoVPS / CVPS Hacked. New SolusVM exploit? (Content Restored) [PT. 1/2]

    So... this just tells us exactly what we knew already, CVPS nodes are massively oversold and likely are using SSD's as ram.
  19. nunim

    Is WHMCS next to be exploited?

    Why aren't these people banned from VPSB?  I didn't think we were a skid friendly community.   Both hostbill and WHMCS unencrypted sources are available from a variety of sites, if you have an exploit and you're going to cause "lolz" then go for it and shut the fuck up about it already.