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  1. P

    How To Force SSL Always Using HTACCESS

    Your code achieves the same end by explicitly defining the URL to be redirected to where as the code I provided is implicit in the way it sets the hostname. The code I provided is intentionally written as such so it's Plug-n-Play.
  2. P

    Seeking T1/T2/TL Remote or Onsite In Boston Work

    Looking for some Tier 1, Tier 2, or TL work. Flexibility preferred. I can do chats, tickets, and phone. If you would like a glimpse to in how I work please take a look at this thread.  I can also do onsite in the metro Boston area...
  3. P

    Which kind of support is most helpful?

    To learn more about the 3 As and to see an example please see this thread. I will be following up with an example of improper use of the 3 As. You guys are also welcome to share chat logs if you wish and and we can dissect them together.
  4. P

    Which processor is good for big games?

    If we are talking big games like Battlefield or similar I would do something like: 16 GB RAM Intel Core i7 6770K 1 or 2 nvidia Geforce 750 TI or 780  Actually this is along the lines of what I want to bump my current system to. Current Specs: 
  5. P

    Is Hostbill worth the $$$?

    From what Phillip has said it seems like Hostbill has a business model that is unsustainable. Essentially rendering it's own software to replace functionality with paid modules. Part of the issue I see is the skew of Hostbill that is aimed at competing with WHMCS is drastically overpriced. I...
  6. P

    How did you come up with your company name?

    The names for the brands that I have been involved in have never been of my creation. They were always thought up before I was brought on board. YavaHost USS Hosting HostMyBytes HostNucleus Those are the only three I can think of, although I have a feeling I was involved in at least two more...
  7. P

    What are you listening to right now?

    Approaching Nirvana - They wrote the theme music for Linus Tech Tips. Sugar Rush - Approaching Nirvana 
  8. P

    How To Utilize the 3 As (Acknowledge, Align, Assure) Properly

    Every now and then I come across a support representative that solves the problem but still leaves with that absent feeling. Almost like they didn't care about what just happened. I know from experience that at the end of the day it can become more challenging to efficiency convey the fact that...
  9. P

    How To Force SSL Always Using HTACCESS

    If you want to force SSL everyone on your website just add these rules to a .htaccess file the htdocs (www) root of your webserver. Hint: This also works on subdomains, just put it in the root of the folder at which the subdomain is pointed to.
  10. P

    Which kind of support is most helpful?

    I maybe completely off the mark here but recently when providing support I tend to fall back on the 3 As: A – Acknowledge that their concerns are valid. A – Align with the customer, agreeing that you would feel the same were you in their shoes. A – Assure the customer that you will be able to...
  11. P

    What do you use for your business phone system?

    I have seen RingCentral mentioned in the thread at least once or twice. Has anyone used any other cloud-based solutions? What's the pricing? What's your opinion of the service?
  12. P

    What do you use for your business phone system?

    I used to like 3CX before they went and stripped some of it's functionality in the free version.