
Search results

  1. Shados

    Best Desktop

    I'd also recommend Enlightenment. It's very much designed with low-memory footprint in mind, as it's basically built to automatically scale to the available resources/tech level, and scale all the way down to cheap smartphone hardware etc. From their website: "We have run and tested on x86-32...
  2. Shados

    Anyone want to test a VPS?

    Sure. Always willing to play around with a new VPS.
  3. Shados

    Private browsing

    That's exactly what I do. Works well enough.
  4. Shados

    Stallion 2 - pictures and daily updates :)

    >cat nipples I feel like I should thank you for that post, but I'm really not sure why.
  5. Shados

    Starting a hosting company

    Who quoted you that?
  6. Shados

    Need some help testing my DNS interface

    Add SRV record support and I'll give it a whirl if you want.   bcyrpted?
  7. Shados

    Feedback Request.

    Maybe drop the period following the tagline and prepend a hyphen to make it more obvious that you're meant to read it as being said in the same breath as the site title (so to speak)?
  8. Shados

    Anyone wanna monster dedicated?

    That's about 16% of my income and I'm still tempted :(. That said, at that point I'd be better off just buying a business ethernet over copper connection for my house and setting up one of my own boxes to act as a dedicated server xD.
  9. Shados

    What providers do you use?

    I've had a 512/1024MB Linode since 2009 or so (not exactly low-end price, but their recent upgrades have at least gotten them closer :P), had a Catalyst vps with an unmetered line running a Tor node for a while, currently have a 512MB KVM SSD-cached RamNode, a 2/4GB OpenVZ node with
  10. Shados

    Introduction thread

    Shados here, not-very-long-time lurker at LET. I'm Australian, and I work for a tech support company doing L1 & L2 support for business customers (although I'd prefer to be working somewhere part-time, honestly). In my own time I do some amateur game & web development, act as sysadmin for a...
  11. Shados

    Best way to keep sites loading fast while keeping them secure?

    I wouldn't recommend fail2ban (at least not for SSH) due to the issues with spoofing IPs. Plus, it only really helps prevent brute force attacks anyway, and they're not going to succeed against key-based authentication (an alternative option to key-based auth is two-factor authentication -...
  12. Shados

    Untapped locations?

    Server bandwidth pricing here is getting increasingly ridiculous, and unfortunately the ~200ms latency to west coast US is a problem for certain uses (remote desktop, game servers, etc.). The NBN is promising pretty decent bandwidth pricing as far as home connections go, though, so we might see...
  13. Shados

    Welcome back folks

    More awesomely Evil Trout - the guy who wrote forumwarz - is involved ;).