
Search results

  1. MeanServers

    GreenValueHost / GVH and HostNun banned for operating shill ring

    Wow, I think this is great news for LET though, will definitely clean up all the GVH non-sense that really had become a daily routine over there. Now if only they would kick him off WHT, I think order would finally be brought to the universe.
  2. MeanServers

    Thinking about not using paypal.

    Ironically enough, we had a dispute through PayPal the other day with a spammer we terminated and used those magic words, intangible item. In 24 hours the dispute was closed and founded in our favor. Maybe this really is the fast track way of winning disputes with PayPal?
  3. MeanServers

    Thinking about not using paypal.

    I think PayPal is a necessary evil unfortunately. I really hate their resolution process but at the same time, it's not much worse than using a merchant account. Possibly even easier when it comes to certain disputes, not all. We started using Stripe as an alternative to PayPal and most of our...
  4. MeanServers

    VirtKick - a simple, open source alternative to SolusVM

    Nice simple, clean layout though from the looks of the demo. Keep up the good work!
  5. MeanServers


    There are definitely risks to running Honnypots and as wlanboy pointed out, it can damage the reputation of your IP subnet. I wouldn't run any Honnypots if you are running a production network, or maybe run them somewhere else. Just took risky for your own business.
  6. MeanServers

    Adding IPv6 to VPSes

    What VPS control panel software are you using? SolusVM? Virtualizor? There should be a place in the module area for the package where you can indicate how many IPv6 addresses to provision. That's the case in Virtualizor at least. It's also important that the operating systems you have installed...
  7. MeanServers

    Abuse Monitoring for OpenVZ

    Possibly, I have seen some there in the past. You probably will need to change a few things depending on what exactly you plan to do with it however.
  8. MeanServers

    Abuse Monitoring for OpenVZ

    +1 for custom scripts. You can customize what you need much easier than trying to figure out someone elses code if you need to change it. If you don't know how to code your own script, I would still recommend hiring someone else to code it for you, that way you can request features you want and...
  9. MeanServers

    Adding IPv6 to VPSes

    What operating system are you using? If your a provider, I highly recommend making images of IPv6 already enabled as it makes it much easier for end users in the end and results in less support tickets for you. After all, IPv6 can be tricky for the inexperienced!
  10. MeanServers

    Control Panels

    I honestly can't believe DirectAdmin doesn't get more love. It easy to use, it's fast, and has just as many features as cPanel does. Kind of disappointing since it's been around for years now too.
  11. MeanServers

    How did you come up with your company name?

    I lived in New Zealand for a number of years and all the Kiwis would say everything was "mean" meaning great, or fantastic. So it just kind of came naturally when thinking of a company name =D
  12. MeanServers

    Introduction thread

    Hello vpsBoard! Mean Servers is a new data center located in Denver, Colorado where our primary focus market is cloud hosting, virtual private servers, dedicated servers, and server management. We look forward to contributing our years of experience to vpsBoard. -Mean Servers