
Search results

  1. S

    Providers who own their IP addresses

    If you are curious about a provider and their IP-addresses, then just open a ticket and get in touch with them. Specify which one of their locations you are interested in as sometimes they may have their "own" addresses in one location and use a addresses provided by a third party at another...
  2. S

    Open Becoming a Verified Provider Link dont work

    Can confirm, its still broken.
  3. S

    Introduction thread

    Hello Everyone..! I'm Sebastian,I have joined this board/forum community a few days ago. Taking this opportunity to say hi :) Looking forward to helping this community with a bit of knowledge and potentially some some hosting services down the road. Regards, Sebastian
  4. S

    Difference between Wordpress Hosting And Web Hosting?

    "wordpress hosting" plans just webhosting plans, that may have tailored resource limits for RAM, CPU & IO for WordPress installations. Some feature auto-installer and/or automatic updates. Personally i like just setting up resource limits so that clients are free to run whatever common...
  5. S

    How visitors can trust on your hosting business?

    > 1. Why new visitor will trust on your company? Its not about just "getting trust" so that people purchase stuff. Provide a solid service,preferably something unique and if you keep doing good work, customers will find you ;) If you just provide the same thing everyone tries to do, chances are...