
Search results

  1. peterw

    IsTrueCryptAuditedYet? In Part!

    I often look at the page to see if they keep their promise. wanted to check Truecrypt and they finally did it. The report is available! They started with the bootloader and the kernel driver and found no backdoors but some bad code...
  2. peterw

    A Statistical Analysis of the Work of Bob Ross Great analysis and numbers of Bob Ross paintings.
  3. peterw

    Install and run zeromq

    1. Installation: wget tar -zxvf zeromq-4.0.4.tar.gz cd zeromq-4.0.4/ ./configure make && make install 2. Create server: "nano ~/server.php" <?php /* * Weather update server * Binds PUB socket to tcp://*:5556 * Publishes random weather updates *...
  4. peterw

    Thread number 4000!

  5. peterw

    Create your own dynamic subdomain

    I run my own dns servers and I use a subdomain as a dynamic dns service. This tutorial shows how to create such a service. 1. Create DNS entries A record for (ip of dns server) NS record for refering to 2. Install bind9: "apt-get...
  6. peterw

    TrueCrypt console version

    I like TrueCrypt and using it on my laptops. I searched for a way to use it on my servers too and found out that they provide a console-only version of TrueCrypt. Download console-only version: wget or wget...
  7. peterw

    Small linux distrubitions

    I keep my old notebooks because they are cheap and small servers. They don't need much power, are silent and have keyboard, mouse and screen included. I use small linux distrubitions to run linux servers on old 256MB RAM notebooks. My IBM ThinkPad T20 with Intel Pentium III 700 MHz, 256MB RAM...
  8. peterw

    Microsoft DOS V1.1 and V2.0 Source Code

    With the permission of Microsoft Corporation, the Computer History Museum is pleased to make available the source and object code to Microsoft’s MS-DOS operating system versions 1.1 and 2.0, for non-commercial use. The zip file contains four subdirectories: v11source: 7 assembler code files...
  9. peterw

    Devs should not upload their configs - check this bad example

    Check your AWS logins, a search for AWS keys returns almost 10,000 results.
  10. peterw

    Kippo ssh honeypot

    hwdsl2 wrote about kippo and I now add a howto to this tool. Change your ssh port to another one: "vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config" and change "Port" to another number Install dependencies: "apt-get install python-twisted" Create use for kippo: "adduser honeypot" Change to user: "su honeypot"...
  11. peterw

    Hostingparadise OpenVZ in Germany

    Provider: Plan: OpenVZ 256mb VPS Price: 3.99€ per month Location: Düsseldorf, Germany Purchased: 1/2013 Hardware information: 1 CPU (Xeon) 256MB RAM 25GB HDD 100% backup space 1TB Traffic 1GB network 1 IPV4 1 IPV6 dd: 134217728 bytes (134 MB) copied, 0.903265 s, 149 MB/s...
  12. peterw

    Fitbit Recalls Force Wristband Due to Risk of Skin Irritation They should have made tests about this. Epic fail.
  13. peterw

    Secure tcp connection with ssl

    Stunnel wraps any insecure TCP port into a secure encrypted port. It is using OpenSSL package for this. Install stunnel: apt-get install stunnel4 Configuration: nano /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf Usage of parameters: client = yes accept = 8080 connect = cert =...
  14. peterw

    Bad bad youtube channel

    Don't klick it
  15. peterw

    Limit cpu usage of a program

    Limiting cpu usage is important on shared environments. I have php programs that run long and can consume too much cpu. I searched for a solution and found cpulimit. Install cpulimit: sudo apt-get install cpulimit Usage of cpulimit: By pid: Find PID of program: ps ax | grep <program name>...
  16. peterw

    Uroburos rootkit undiscovered for three years

    The rootkit named Uroburos, enables its masters to take control of infected computers. The threat, which works on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows systems, can execute arbitrary commands, hide system activities, steal files, and capture network traffic. It’s designed in a way that allows its...
  17. peterw

    Domain name for library

    I am working on c++ libraries for microcontrollers. Some are popular in the controller community. I want to build 3 different websites (Atmel/ST/Texas Instruments) for them and I need domain names for them. What TLD should I use for them? .io, .cc, .co, .in, .pw? .re? What is a good TLD for...
  18. peterw

    embedded world 2014

    Does somebody plan to visit the Embedded World 2014 exhibition this week? List of companies:
  19. peterw

    D-BUS Poettering new toy 2014: One pro for Paettering is that he touchs things others don't (afraid). But often he is reinventing things because a single feature is missing. In a single word: PulseAudio. Now he tries to put part of D-BUS into the...
  20. peterw

    Raspberry Pi powered by solar module

    I want to run my Raspberry Pi with Wifi dongle powered by solar panels. Do you know a everything included package that can be bought and sold in the EU? How big should the solar panels be to have enough power for a Raspberry Pi?