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  1. ihatetonyy

    Net Neutrality has just passed. Internet is now a utility.

    To speak nothing of the rest, the Big Two simply have no interest in the upkeep of their legacy copper networks, let alone expansion.. and little incentive to roll out fiber when the money is being poured into -- and made from -- their wireless divisions. Only CableCos have been pouring any...
  2. ihatetonyy

    Ferguson - No Indictment

    Why pull up right next to someone waving a gun? Barring all lethal force training, isn't it basic common sense -- that has to be reinforced during whatever training they get for these kinds of situations -- not to place yourself within feet of someone who you suspect to have a weapon? Especially...
  3. ihatetonyy

    Ferguson - No Indictment

    The rolling outrage has expanded after the Tamir Rice shooting. Can't say I blame them considering the reaction came out right after the verdict.. in their eyes the murderer of their child just walked off scot-free. Hell, it's not like the people doing the rioting needed any commands to...
  4. ihatetonyy

    Android Phone Full Regular Backups

    Oh, I agree. I meant to make your job of restoring photos easier. FolderSync looks like it's automatic and supports a metric fucktonne of services.. but not OwnCloud. Does support FTP/SFTP.
  5. ihatetonyy

    Android Phone Full Regular Backups

    As it relates to photos at least, did the user have Google+ backup? I was under the impression that most phones shipped with this enabled - all photos automatically sent to Google.
  6. ihatetonyy

    Ferguson - No Indictment

     TSA has the right idea.. police need to arrest anyone with more than 3.5oz of liquids for their own safety.  Gov. Jay Nixon had his chance to and didn't take it. As a member of the Democratic Party he's already dead in the water on the national stage; there's nothing for him to gain if he...
  7. ihatetonyy

    Ferguson - No Indictment

    Absolutely agreed. Would have brought the store owner under fire, but nipped the rest of this in the bud. FWIW, the store owner says he didn't even bother to call the police - a customer did. So either he didn't care enough or was afraid to. That serves as no justification to what Brown did...
  8. ihatetonyy

    Ferguson - No Indictment

    Old news. Johnson is the same hack that helped spin the false orbital blowout fracture story. His lawsuit flew back in his face: Surprised to see they didn't retract or update at YoungCons after the suit came back...
  9. ihatetonyy

    Ferguson - No Indictment

    Frankly I'm sad it took two posts to shake someone from replying. Please leave feedback so I know how to string these replies out just a few posts longer before I get someone exasperated at continuing a conversation. Also your link doesn't work, and if noting the lack of a criminal record and...
  10. ihatetonyy

    Ferguson - No Indictment

    You quote the word angel as though I'd said that? I don't see where I did. Harassed a clerk and robbed a store - I said that. Didn't try to get around it. One crime does not a gangster make. No criminal record in sight. Don't know where he beat his wife, a link would be nice. And here's the...
  11. ihatetonyy

    Ferguson - No Indictment

    See "running when fired upon" and "charge the officer" columns. At the risk of playing devil -- er, dead man's -- advocate, I am also intrigued at how a robbery of cigarillos has turned someone with no prior record into a gangster. But I don't want to break up such a grand circlejerk, either.
  12. ihatetonyy

    Ferguson - No Indictment

     Six shots:
  13. ihatetonyy

    Ferguson - No Indictment

    I feel incredibly dirty linking to RT but: At least 10 gunshots total can be heard during the recording, which Glide certified as being captured at 12:02 pm on Saturday, August 9th. This is the same time that 18-year-old Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed by Ferguson police...
  14. ihatetonyy

    Ferguson - No Indictment

    To shoot at someone and to actually hit someone are different things.
  15. ihatetonyy

    Has anyone heard of RackMine?

    Either someone bought the old domain and decided to see if they could use the prior company's goodwill (see the FAQ page) or the company reorganized itself in Hong Kong - the prior iteration of had a Malaysian phone number while this one has a HK phone number. Worthless these days...
  16. ihatetonyy

    Kindle vs actual books?

    Kindle Paperwhites are pretty good - you have to buy into the Amazon ecosystem to a certain extent, but you can use Calibre to buy eBooks from other stores and convert files/'adjust' the DRM to get books on. I own a 2nd Gen after getting fed up with a Nook Simple Touch Glowlight and it's great...
  17. ihatetonyy

    BuyVM announces free CPU upgades on all 256MB+ OVZ's in Las Vegas

    Very nice! Though, I saw the thread title and half-expected to see "For immediate release" incorporated in somewhere..