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  1. T

    Whats your home connection speed?

    Will get an upgrade to 150/15Mbit soon. Paying €59,- p/m
  2. T

    Modulesgarden SolusVM Extended Module released

    I expected the KVM VNC Console with the first release, but unfortunately it is not with this release. I think it would've been better to release it one week later and release it with the Console. Just my two cents.
  3. T

    SolusVM 1.13.10/1.14.00 R10 Update Released!

    This release contains fixes for a client side RDNS bug, reseller virtual server creation bug and admin form CSRF protection. Several code changes have also been made in regards to the ongoing audit. :)
  4. T

    Ticket system e-mails

    I believe people want the confirmation that their email is received. In most emails an URL to the ticket system will be included which can be easy to track the ticket.
  5. T

    Another SolusVM Update!

    Oh hehe.. :)
  6. T

    Another SolusVM Update!

    Of course not. I would rather that the external audit will be completed with success than it will be completed in a hurry. I'm sure that's why they hired an external audit company. No deadlines, just it will be done when it's done. I was just asking because they didn't release anything about it...
  7. T

    Another SolusVM Update!

    On my question if the external audit would be finished today I received the following answer: No, this wont happen. The external auditing company haven't given us an ETA as yet so it would be foolish for us to advise when this will happen. We have completed our own internal audit and as a...