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    Can I copy SSH keys from one server to another?

    Copy the key to a server Once an SSH key has been created, the ssh-copy-id command can be used to install it as an authorized key on the server. ... The copying may ask for a password or other authentication for the server. Only the public key is copied to the server.
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    Linode vs DigitalOcean?

    DigitalOcean is incredibly simple with just enough of what most users need to get by, whereas DigitalOcean is incredibly simple with just enough of what most users need to get by, whereas Linode has a good deal more on offer, but strives for simplicity and ease-of-use as well
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    Recommended Wordpress plugins?

    HubSpot. DragDropr. Yoast SEO. WooCommerce. W3 Total Cache. Jetpack. Monarch. Google XML Sitemaps.
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    Acceptable time to wait for ticket response?

    For email, customers generally expect a response within 24 hours. For social, the recommended benchmark is to respond in 60 minutes or less. For phone, the generally accepted response time is three minutes. Of course, for any of these, the shorter the timeframe, the better
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    What to do with my High End VPS?

    Web Server. Running a web server on a VPS is probably the most common thing to do. Cloud Storage. You can turn your VPS into a cloud storage solution for yourself easily. Mail server. VPN. Self-hosting apps. Game Server. Testing.
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    How do you protect your server?

    Change Your Default SSH Login. ... Use The Latest Software Versions. ... Monitor Your VPS Server Logs. ... Set Up Your Firewall. ... Make Sure Your Server Is Malware-protected. ... Protect Against Brute-force Attacks. ... Control User access. ... Keep Calm And Perform Backups.
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    How do you secure your server(s)?

    Secure Server Connectivity Establish and Use a Secure Connection. ... Use SSH Keys Authentication. ... Secure File Transfer Protocol. ... Secure Sockets Layer Certificates. ... Use Private Networks and VPNs. ... Monitor Login Attempts. ... Manage Users. ... Establish Password Requirements.
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    What is easiest way to recognise cause of high load on Linux?

    The next cause for high load is a system that has run out of available RAM and has started to go into swap. Because swap space is usually on a hard drive that is much slower than RAM, when you use up available RAM and go into swap, each process slows down dramatically as the disk gets used
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    What is dirrerent beetween Cloud hosting & VPS Hosting?

    Cloud servers are similar to a VPS hosting environment. The key difference is that instead of having a single server that's dedicated to your site (as is the case with VPS), the resources are spread out amongst a bunch of different physical machines.
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    How to get traffic for Web Hosting forum

    Increase popularity of your site. As your site becomes more popular, more users begin to use your forum. ... Enable guest posting. ... Allow guests to view the forums. ... Mention the forum on all your pages. ... Create posts for popular topics. ... Start small. ... Participate on your forums...
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    How do i change innodb_buffer_pool_size?

    Find your mysql cnf file - Most probably located in /etc/mysql/ Find innodb_buffer_pool_size and change it to the required size. Also, set innodb_buffer_pool_instances such that each pool is of equal size. ... Save the file. Restart MySQL service (without restart settings won't take effect)
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    Difference between Wordpress Hosting And Web Hosting?

    The major difference between WordPress hosting and other types of web hosting are that WordPress is software whereas the rest are types of hosting. Let me explain: WordPress provides you software to download its web-hosting plan. This is not something shared hosting, VPS hosting or a dedicated...