

  1. eva2000

    Android & Windows VPN clients for L2TP IPSec ?

    I mainly use Android devices so had setup my own local Brisbane & Sydney and US based CentOS OpenVPN VPN VPS servers to connect to. However, I'm wanting to extend VPN coverage to Windows 8.1 phone devices too and they prefer L2TP. So I've setup a CentOS 7 server (running Centmin Mod of course)...
  2. splitice

    Secured Data Storage

    After the GVH "hack" where Gov IDs were leaked I started working on this tutorial. It details a similar system to what we use to store client SSL certificates for the interface and deployment system. The system described is complex to setup, but does not compromise in security. If you store...
  3. splitice

    IPSec, go tech!

    Nothing to see here, just some much needed self-gratification. Geek content ahead. Finally got pure IPSec tunnels working at X4B. Woot Woot! (Ok so probably not all that exciting to many people) For those who arent aware "pure ipsec tunnel" is referring to the tunnel mode of IPSec, as apposed...
  4. howardsl2

    Fully Automated IPsec/L2TP VPN Setup with Libreswan

    Hello guys, I have created a fully automated ("one-click") IPsec/L2TP VPN install script for Ubuntu 12.04. My script was inspired by and is based on the work of Thomas Sarlandie (original post), that I took time to improve by replacing Openswan with Libreswan, which is more actively developed...
  5. acd

    Best practices for managing ipsec config?

    I have near on two dozen ipsec endpoints that are pretty much interconnected n-way with some exceptions. I have a file on each endpoint that has IP pairs, local & remote, from which a script generates an /etc/ipsec-tools.conf and /etc/racoon/racoon.conf using templates when those services...