

  1. howardsl2

    Install Ghost Blog with Nginx and ModSecurity or Naxsi

    Hello all, I have created two Github Gists for detailed step-by-step instructions on installing the latest Ghost Blog with Nginx and ModSecurity or Naxsi. Blogging is a good way to utilize any idle VPS you have! The instructions have been successfully tested on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server (freshly...
  2. Marc M.

    Phoenix RPM repository updated with new packages Nginx Naxsi 1.2 & 1.4, PHP 5.3 & 5.4, Xen 4.1 XSA-5

    Many of you run CentOS 6 or one of the RHEL 6 clones (e.g. Scientific Linux 6). Looks like June has been so far a "fun" month and security issues have all but plagued the hosting industry. I am of the opinion that I should secure my nodes and customers and not just sit around for the next...