
4u colocation


Dedi Addict
When you see an offer for single server up to 4u being offered does this mean that it can be a 2u server with a 2u storage bay attached, 2 separate devices, but 1 server. Or does it have to be a 4u case?


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Depends on the pricing and facility.

Some places will allow you to mix it up.  Will pay for extra drops though on power + data cabling.

Legacy wise, folks facilitated this for people wanting to put firewalls and routers upside their single server.


New Member
Verified Provider
It's usually one server that can be up to 4U. Most facilities that offer this will then provide a single PDU and switch port for that one device. From there, more power / network drops can be purchased separately.


Verified Provider
Usually single server, but they might do it for you. depends on the provider and how deal with customers.


Active Member
Verified Provider
I would say a single server, but you should contact them directly or ask the sales department.


New Member
Verified Provider
They will most likely allow you, its just an extra slot in the PDU.. if they are very picky you can use a Y power cable.


Company Lube
Verified Provider
A lot of it is also based on how many power outlets are used.

If each one isn't using too much they might let you use one of the '2-in-1' plugs but I'm not sure if those are rated for DC use.



New Member
Verified Provider
I bet nothing is stopping you from stuffing a 4U case with a small switch + as many motherboards, power supplies, etc you can physically jam into it. Just make sure the backplane looks "normal"...

New Member
Verified Provider
most probably is single device.

Its already mentioned "Single Server up to 4U Colocation"

As long as your singple server not bigger than 4U, you shall entitle to the price.


New Member
Verified Provider
I'd say the majority of DC's will let you use the 4U in which ever way you like, within the power limitations you have.