
6,937,081 Dropbox accounts hacked, change password immediately!


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
Dropbox's comment from Ars Technica is:

Dropbox has not been hacked. These usernames and passwords were unfortunately stolen from other services and used in attempts to log in to Dropbox accounts. We'd previously detected these attacks and the vast majority of the passwords posted have been expired for some time now. All other remaining passwords have been expired as well.

So... basically...  Who uses the same password from their CVPS account?  


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
Also due to this I just enabled the 2-step verification.

Apparently for some people the texts take a while, so I'd recommend using the QR-Code to activate the 2-step verification.

Dropbox itself hasn't been hacked, but doesn't hurt to lock it down more.

For those of you who share passwords, really?  


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
First it was... TheFappening - Nudes of Celebrities

Then it was TheSnappening - Nudes of the Public

Now... It's TheDroppening - All Business
"Yo man, did you see Heather's leaked expense reports?"

-- "You know it! That chick keeps such good track of her accounting! Something about the way she manages those numbers. I'd let her do my taxes... if you know what I mean. No really, I need a really good accountant"
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Dormant VPSB Pathogen
I just finished upgrading Alfresco (nice new features but a 700MB jump in memory usage) which is always a pain in the ass so I'll have to admit that it brings a smile to my face knowing that 7 million other document management product users also spent the night suffering. :)

Now the hacker's back with... TheDroppening - All Business
Using Dropbox for storing important business documents is kind of like using GV* for hosting a business website...just sayin'


The Irrational One
Retired Staff
I just finished upgrading Alfresco (nice new features but a 700MB jump in memory usage) which is always a pain in the ass so I'll have to admit that it brings a smile to my face knowing that 7 million other document management product users also spent the night suffering. :)

Using Dropbox for storing important business documents is kind of like using GV* for hosting a business website...just sayin'
I'm using Alfresco as a private research paper repository (quick searches for comments, editing, the works, so freaking useful).  Absolutely love it.  The 5.0b is seriously a cherry on the top.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
That is so stupid.
Bahaha, that ugly.... ahhh nevermind.....  She didn't seem to respect the privacy of US citizens.. so people saying she's bad on the DropBox baord, yeah, I can't say I disagree.

The future is self hosted or be self hosed.  Self hosted isn't a picnic walk.  Folks better get practicing.  Install fest for the future. 