Nothing against your post at all; however, wouldn't it be more targeted with a higher return if you were to email your clients directly?Hello,
I'm reaching out to any old and new clients of NodeDeploy to ask for some feedback since we (Xavvo) took over, be it good or bad we would like to hear all of it. Let us know what you think of our services, how our support handles issues and such.
While this is an option i personally prefer to go direct, for everyone to see and discuss so that we can get additional insight as to which locations customers would like to see, what kind of offers people want etc. I also dislike sending customers "unsolicited" emails asking for their input without their prior consent. All feedback be it good or bad is appreciated and encouraged, while we cannot speak for actions made by the previous owners we will gladly listen to any feedback from when we (Xavvo) took over and onwards.Nothing against your post at all; however, wouldn't it be more targeted with a higher return if you were to email your clients directly?