please can i run some vzctl commands on the OpenVZ VM (VPS) once it is created/bootting/got mounted?
I would like to enable --netfilter full (vzctl set $CTID --netfilter full --setmode restart --save) on all OpenVZ VMs by default and also enable tun/tap device by default for all new VMs (VPSs) (vzctl set $CTID --devnodes net/tun:rw --capability net_admin
n --save)
any way to do it automatically after OpenVZ creates VM or VM is booted or is mounted? Thank you
please can i run some vzctl commands on the OpenVZ VM (VPS) once it is created/bootting/got mounted?
I would like to enable --netfilter full (vzctl set $CTID --netfilter full --setmode restart --save) on all OpenVZ VMs by default and also enable tun/tap device by default for all new VMs (VPSs) (vzctl set $CTID --devnodes net/tun:rw --capability net_admin
any way to do it automatically after OpenVZ creates VM or VM is booted or is mounted? Thank you
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