
DDoS Protection Sites?


New Member
Yes, I was just wondering how do people make these DDOS Protection Sites that just offer protection, etc.


Dormant VPSB Pathogen
I'm talking about offering it? like what do they use to create the DDoS Packages, etc.
If you want to setup your own DDoS protection business (as opposed to reselling someone else's DDoS protection service which is what the vast majority of "DDoS Protection" services do) then you should be prepared to spend a few million on DDoS mitigation equipment and have a ton of available bandwidth.


New Member
If you want to setup your own DDoS protection business (as opposed to reselling someone else's DDoS protection service which is what the vast majority of "DDoS Protection" services do) then you should be prepared to spend a few million on DDoS mitigation equipment and have a ton of available bandwidth.
Not to mention having staff 24/7/365 to handle mitigation as heuristic systems dont always engage or work fast enough


New Member
Verified Provider
If you want to setup your own DDoS protection business (as opposed to reselling someone else's DDoS protection service which is what the vast majority of "DDoS Protection" services do) then you should be prepared to spend a few million on DDoS mitigation equipment and have a ton of available bandwidth.
Not necessary. Having a good network provider with big network who can do ACLs on the core network plus a few 10GE servers is enough to handle up-to 100gbps of UDP and 10M pps of SYN if you know what you are doing. Investment < 1000eur/mo. 

Remember, incoming bandwidth is not billed. Big networks pay what they use more, and it's just outgoing in most cases.

The easiest way is to buy Staminus 10GE and 2M pps for $800/mo or CNServers for a bit less of course. Works well and it is recommended if you are unable to deploy your own systems. 
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New Member
Thanks for the positive answers, I don't think I will be going with this "area" I was just wondering on how people make these type of things, etc.


New Member
There are some hardwares and some protocol configurations with ip filtering  im not pretty sure how but i know those 2 for sure :D


New Member
Collocate somewhere nice, Get a fibre cross connect to a DDoS Mitigation providers you would need to do research before you collocate but that is the way to get started after you get going it would be best to invest in your own DDoS protection or Mitigation systems and network infrastructure.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Only issue with GRE Tunnels is general speaking the latency, but sometimes its bearable.
There is less latency when you steal other provider's GRE tunnel doc...


In such it says:

"A RaptorNode filtered IP ($3.00/m per IP. 209.141.38.x & 209.141.39.x are the current filtered subnets)"

Those IPs are BuyVM's and so is that doc.  Tssk.

PS: and you stole their IPSEC doc:


Kids in this industry...
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New Member
Posted Yesterday, 11:56 PM



Did you even read that wall of text they put in that LET blurb.  LOL.

Sad they were too lazy to write up their own docs and just 'borrowed' yours.

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Company Lube
Verified Provider
Did you even read that wall of text they put in that LET blurb.  LOL.

Sad they were too lazy to write up their own docs and just 'borrowed' yours.

I guess he never removed it or his investigation never saw an issue with it.
