How long will the migration process take? I know it likely will depend on disk utilization, but can you give us any idea?
It's really based on how large the VPS is and the connection speed. We've been discussing throttling the network speed to prevent bandwidth overages since their is no throttling outside of the VPSs and some of our clients have 30+ VPSs that could make a dent in our 95% percent if they wanted to.
Additionally, migrations will be similar to how our self backups are done so there will be a queue that's worked via a cronjob so that will add some time depending on the size of the queue.
On average I'm estimating 15-30 minutes but this is just a guess without any actual testing. We'll know more this weekend.
KiwiVM (BandwagonHost/VPSBlast/iT7) has a self-migration feature. They don't impose any limitations on the number of migrations or frequency of migrations but they do use Nodewatch (developed by them) for general abuse curbing on their nodes.
The abuse we're concerned about is bandwidth abuse. We don't have unmetered 1Gbps uplinks so for us we have to be cautious how much bandwidth we let clients use because the $2/month VPSs don't cover bandwidth overages. Right now we throttle VPS port speeds for most of our locations but a VPS migration is done outside of the VPS so they can rack up some overages if they freely migrated 10+ VPSs every chance they got.
This will really help me keep ahead of the feds when I'm on the run.
But seriously...
I assume the BW for the move comes out of the user's monthly allowance?
Originally we were going to eat the bandwidth costs but now that I'm looking over the size of some of our larger clients I may just take the size of the VPS's disk space and add it to the monthly bandwidth usage to impose a limit on how often clients with larger VPSs can migrate each month. The majority of our clients have less than 50GB of disk space (and the majority of them are only using less than 5GB of space) but we do have some clients who have much large drives (i.e. our backup clients) so I want to take that into account now instead of down the road when we add more backup servers.