I understand that the info is useful and that it should be posted someplace. I understand that I might want to refer to it if I were considering signing up with a host. It's very worthwhile to maintain it someplace that it can be easily found. What I don't see as useful is notifying all readers of the board (that's what happens when you click "view new content") every time a status report comes in saying that a VPS is working normally. If the host is one that I'm not especially interested in, then the updates are just noise, though easy to ignore. If it's one that I'm interested in, then I say "oh, new post on the xyzhost thread, I like those guys, let's see what's happening". I click the link and instead of seeing new discussion (this is a discussion forum, remember) it's just another boilerplate post saying that the VPS is still working. Sort of like the old SNL routine "In other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead". The joke being that such an announcement is not really news. It's only news if he changes status (living to dead or vice versa). For VPS's, an outage report is worth posting, as is a recovery report if the outage lasted a while. VPS is still up? Yawn. Post that annually, not monthly.
I think as the number of VPS's under long term testing increases, more and more of the board updates will be these bot-like notifications. That's why I'm proposing that we figure out some other way to post the info, so people can find it if they are looking for it, but they don't get the regular posting flow interrupted if they're not looking for it.