To be honest, I only played in the market once, and really wished I had bet large. I took some buffet advice and bought some blue chips shares during the "great recession", when companies like Tyson Foods was at like 5.80, GE at 8.80, and ford at like 2.15 -- If you look at those companies today or even two-three after the "market picked up" again, you will see that they would have all been huge gains. In that same period, I almost bought a bank stock, but then when I was about to buy it, I found out they were not "too big to fail" and didn't get any stimulus and, you know the rest.
Right now is def not the time to buy, you should have sold already -- I have been saying the market is "sugar high" and I will stay away, for the last 3 years or so. I guess I will take my own advice and wait for the next financial crisis, which is becoming common it seems, and plunge into some big brands that can weather a storm, and sell when the water is calm again.