We use only the highest quality server equipment and data centres to ensure we can provide maximum performance and reliability. With affordable pricing, premium bandwidth, and 24/7 customer service, My Server Planet is committed to providing our customers with the best hosting experience possible.
We offer competitive pricing on add-on services, enterprise software - allowing customers to take advantage of savings on hardware, component licensing and high bandwidth. Low start up costs and monthly fees that are among the best in the market provide a dedicated server solution that will work within anyone’s budget.
I have two of these servers in NY Buffalo
Limited stock special, clearance for new year... very limited!
32GB ram
Samsung Evo 840 2x120GB SSD
5 IP address
10TB Bandwidth, IPMI provided all on 1Gbit ports.
$79/month (only two left of this stock!)
Order here (submit a ticket!)
Provided within 2 hours of ordering on IPMI only, OS can take up to 8 hours.
I also have the following in United Kingdom for 2 day delivery slot;
Atom 330
4GB ram
160GB HDD (I can do SSD if wanted!)
2TB bandwidth
1 IP address
Order here (submit a ticket!)
And we have the basic E3
16GB ram
LA, Dallas, Atlanta, New York, Chicago.
Order here
As always, provided within 2 hours of ordering on IPMI or 8 hours on an OS.
We offer competitive pricing on add-on services, enterprise software - allowing customers to take advantage of savings on hardware, component licensing and high bandwidth. Low start up costs and monthly fees that are among the best in the market provide a dedicated server solution that will work within anyone’s budget.
I have two of these servers in NY Buffalo
Limited stock special, clearance for new year... very limited!
32GB ram
Samsung Evo 840 2x120GB SSD
5 IP address
10TB Bandwidth, IPMI provided all on 1Gbit ports.
$79/month (only two left of this stock!)
Order here (submit a ticket!)
Provided within 2 hours of ordering on IPMI only, OS can take up to 8 hours.
I also have the following in United Kingdom for 2 day delivery slot;
Atom 330
4GB ram
160GB HDD (I can do SSD if wanted!)
2TB bandwidth
1 IP address
Order here (submit a ticket!)
And we have the basic E3
16GB ram
LA, Dallas, Atlanta, New York, Chicago.
Order here
As always, provided within 2 hours of ordering on IPMI or 8 hours on an OS.