
using dedicated server for the first time.


New Member
For a user with "host" in their name, I hope to god the "client" is not yourself.

Now if the client has never owned an unmanaged VPS or server, they'll likely have a control panel (probably CPanel). Here's the advice I'd give:

  • A. Buy a managed service via the host or 3rd party
  • B. Spend a few hours on Google, and be prepared to mess up a few times. NOTE: Read current articles!
  • C. Test locally via VirtualBox, Docker, Parallels, etc.


New Member
If there's no out of band access (IPMI/KVM etc) available, try not to screw up network/boot settings or lock themselves out...
Or get someone to install a virtualization layer on top of it if it is just something you want to screw around with. Much easier destroying the container then re-formatting the entire server. 


Verified Provider
Make sure to secure the box. Some of the guide's I've linked to my clients in the past have been this, this, and this.

There are plenty of guides around on the interwebz, just need to google what you're looking to do and hope that someone else shared or had the same issue :)


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
As @KMyers mentioned, installing a virtualization layer on top would (likely) prevent a lot of headache if you're tinkering around. Much easier/faster to rebuild a new VM if you want a clean slate to work with if you fudge anything up in most cases.


New Member
Verified Provider
You must have a bit knowledge of how to manage a dedicated server if you have a vps before you won't face an problems yet.


New Member
Verified Provider
first of - you will need to find dedicated server provider - and it's all about reading reviews.

you can play with vps before you move to dedicated server and learn.

dedicated server is only needed if you will need lot's of hardware resources (network/disk/memory/cpu) - if not it's best and cheaper to work with a vps.