
vps resellers - kvm?


New Member
I'm looking for a vps reseller that has kvm virt or xen.

They're used for personal reasons (testing, etc). I would just get multiple vpses but I'd rather get a vps reseller to make life easier on me.


Beware the bunny-rabbit!
Verified Provider
For a testing environment you can put down credit on an account from us, and then spawn/delete instances as needed with hourly billing.


New Member
I'm looking for a vps reseller that has kvm virt or xen.

They're used for personal reasons (testing, etc). I would just get multiple vpses but I'd rather get a vps reseller to make life easier on me.
Drop me an private message or an email on [email protected] with your requirements, and we get you something in one of / if not all of our 3 locations (Orlando, Los Angeles and Kent (UK)).
