
What to use this extra box for?


New Member
I have a budget box over at WSI that's paid for until June. It's original purpose was to be a cPanel server, but I decided to move those sites to the cloud incase I needed to scale more quickly. Any ideas on what I can use this for? I already have a few VPS servers for backups, mail server etc.

Right now it sits nearly idle, hosting a small 5 man bukkit server for a few friends.


  • i7-2600K
  • 16GB
  • 2 x 500GB, not sure which drives exactly are in there but I get around 100MB/s write (using the frowned upon dd test)
  • 100Mbps (unmetered, shared)
  • /29
  • Kansas City, Missouri
I was hoping I would somehow be able to help out open source software developers, or anyone that is non-profit for that manner by hosting a mirror or giving out some free resources. Something of that sort. 


100% Tier-1 Gogent
Really the best thing to do is look at projects you already use and see if mirrors needed there.

There are also various distros that could use more mirrors.

You could always promo free services for X months to non profits in you area.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
I'd use it to learn how to do something better or something new.

For me, I'd probably install OpenVZ and go to town on creating containers for my own use and playing around.


Active Member
Someone a few days ago, I think HalfEatenPie, was looking for a week or so of heavy cpu cycles to run some kind of scientific calculation on.

I have my own dedicated server that I use for some long running computations (data analysis) and occasionally could use a second one (or more) to do a computation faster, but the logistics might be a bit too hairy.

I hate to say it but you might be able to mine litecoins or dogecoins or something like that profitably, given that you have to pay for the box til June anyway. 


New Member
Verified Provider
Someone a few days ago, I think HalfEatenPie, was looking for a week or so of heavy cpu cycles to run some kind of scientific calculation on.

I have my own dedicated server that I use for some long running computations (data analysis) and occasionally could use a second one (or more) to do a computation faster, but the logistics might be a bit too hairy.

I hate to say it but you might be able to mine litecoins or dogecoins or something like that profitably, given that you have to pay for the box til June anyway. 
You mention running a Bukkit server.  Not sure how interested your are in Minecraft; however, it might be worth reaching out to Steve McGrath at bukget to see if he needs a mirror over the busy holiday period.


New Member
Verified Provider
You know what might not be a bad idea, installing an x11 + vnc server on the server and remoting into it on a crappy laptop, so you could have a really powerful computer where ever you go