Content Contributer
Provider: Spaceweb
Plan: 2000MB personal plan
Price: 4€ per year
Location: France, Paris (Iliad Datacenter DC3)
Purchased: 11/2014
Panel is great and I like their css styles:

PHP settings and module selection:


Same easy setup for e-mail accounts, Spamassassin, mailing lists, spam filters, etc...
What services are running?
No tickets needed yet.
The answers to simple questions were fast, well written and very polite.
Overall experience:
They offer a care-free package for people that only need a web-package.
Update status:

0 minutes of network downtime for the last 103 days.
I/O is great.
I will refresh the uptime report every two months.
Plan: 2000MB personal plan
Price: 4€ per year
Location: France, Paris (Iliad Datacenter DC3)
Purchased: 11/2014
- Lightspeed Webserver on Cloudlinux
- 5 Gbps Ddos protection
- Unlimited domains
- Own Php config
- DirectAdmin control panel
Panel is great and I like their css styles:

PHP settings and module selection:


Same easy setup for e-mail accounts, Spamassassin, mailing lists, spam filters, etc...
What services are running?
- Webpages + Emailaccounts for family and friends
No tickets needed yet.
The answers to simple questions were fast, well written and very polite.
Overall experience:
They offer a care-free package for people that only need a web-package.
Update status:

0 minutes of network downtime for the last 103 days.
I/O is great.
I will refresh the uptime report every two months.