Best coding language to know in 2015?


New Member
If you did not know how to code but wanted to start to learn this year what would be the best language to start learning and why? I want to make web apps and maybe one day get a job coding if I like it and can do it.


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Verified Provider
Pascal, because it teaches you how to do properly structured code.

Once you learn how to program using your head you can learn another language that is used today.
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That IT guy

New Member
I voted for PHP. Even though it gets a lot of hate it is still widely used on a lot of sites and a go to language for developing sites.


Don't take me seriously!
Verified Provider
Pascal, because it teaches you how to do properly structured code.

Once you learn how to program using your head you can learn another language that is used today.
This is actually really solid advice, when I learnt Pascal first in my A level Comp Sci class I was sort of annoyed that we were using such an ancient language but it has all the fundementals there and will help you understand what's actually going on.
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Verified Provider
I don't really see much value in "knowing" a particular language.  The best programmers, in my experience, are the ones who can quickly pick up new languages (by looking at existing code, using the language documentation, etc).  There's something to be said for overall progamming knowledge such as understanding object-oriented concepts, basic control structures, etc.


Active Member
In real business environments here is what you will need:

1- SQL  mostly stored procedures , reports, etc.

2- C# / ASP


4- C++ / PYTHON


New Member
I agree with the posts above, it all depends on what platform/service you are trying to develop.

And what no love for C? If you are developing for the Unix/Linux platform knowing C is a must.


New Member
You're missing Node.js in the list.

But yes, it depends on what you're trying to do. For web-based and generally network-based stuff, I'd recommend Node.js. For other situations, other options may be better.

Just, whatever you do, don't use/learn an unmanaged language (C, C++, ...) unless you really have no other options - it's practically guaranteed to result in memory-related vulnerabilities, and the world doesn't need more of those.
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vpsBoard Premium Member
The poll question is "web coding languages".

I suspect a very small amount of web programming is done in C++ or bash.

And where is Javascript?!?  Needs to be on the list for anything web-related.

php is most widely used, and Javascript to go with it.  You should know SQL and noSQL-style languages too.  HTML/XML and CSS from a non-code perspective are of course vital as well.

python is still somewhat exotic in the web space.  Perl and Ruby have vanished.  OK, I'm greatly generalizing but that's my big-picture perception.

Java is dominant at the high end - tons and tons and tons of enterprise stuff done in Java.

Honestly, php, perl, ruby, and python are all the same language, just with different tradeoffs.  If you master one, you can master them all...I started with perl (version 3!) and got very hardcore into it, and later found both python and php very easy to master.

The only way to become a great coder is to write a lot of code, so I would say think of some cool apps and write them, even if you're reinventing the wheel.  As you grow, contribute to open source projects.  Learn the theory as well as the how-to and take the time to do things right.
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New Member
The poll question is "web coding languages".
Right, that's only listed in the poll question, which I didn't look at because it seemed to repeat the post title (which doesn't say 'web'). I presume the same applies for others.

EDIT: Oh, and please, whatever you do, don't use MongoDB. It's terrible.
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New Member
Javascript, especially considering you could do a full web stack using MEAN.

MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js


New Member
php is very easy to learn that is why you can find a lot of freelance coders but the pay may not usually be high

golang seems very promising and the performance is above the roof


New Member
Why is that? MongoDB is very cool. It might be a little memory intensive for me but everything else is great.
There's nothing it's particularly good at, and several things it's outright bad at - data integrity being an important one. MongoDB has an extremely poor track record in data integrity - to the point where until fairly recently, it would quietly throw away any data it couldn't store, which would be anything above some 3GB on a 32-bits system. Emphasis on 'silently' - it wouldn't even give you an error, just pretend that the write succeeded.

Other problems include it being non-relational (almost all data is actually relational), not having schemas (basically all data has schemas), hard to maintain, and performance not being very good.

Here's an article on the reasons why a company moved from MongoDB to PostgreSQL, here's an article discussing data integrity issues during replication, here's an article about performance, and here is how you can store schemaless JSON in PostgreSQL if you absolutely need to (although you should use JSONB rather than JSON).

TL;DR MongoDB is primarily hype, it doesn't have any actual redeeming features. It offers 'fake' simplicity by not offering you a schema or meaningful relational constructs - things you will basically always need anyway, and will just end up reimplementing poorly. There is absolutely no evidence that MongoDB 'outperforms' anything in a real-world setting besides CouchDB.


I also vote for Javascript for the web stuff. Although, once you have learned the basics, you want to change to something more interesting like Dart, CoffeeScript, or ClojureScript.

On the other hand, once my kids learn to read and write, I most likely will teach them Ada and Python. Ada is very similar to Pascal and can be used for embedded stuff like toy robots ("Here, if you write 'Arm_Rotate_Speed := 100;' the robot arm will swing very fast.") and Python is easy language for other stuff.

(Ok, they probably want to be ice-hockey players or policemen, but it never hurts to know the basics of programming...)