Do you prefer a Gbit VPS with limited Bandwidth or a 100Mbit unmetered VPS?


Verified Provider
Let's say a 1TB bandwidth on a Gbit VPS with small specs, or unmetered 100Mbit on a VPS with small specs.


Active Member
Really unmetered? For sure, much better than 1TB @ gigabit.
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Verified Provider
Id take the unmetered, if really unmetered which seems very, very unrealistic at 1TB @ Gbit on the other side of the calculation. Does not compute.


New Member
Personally, I would take the limited bandwidth with 1Gb port speed, over the unlimited 100Mb port VPS. For me, it seems like unmetered host servers are usually bogged down with abusers. 


New Member
Limited with a usage cap for sure. I don't need a lot of BW and want to make sure it's there for me when I need it and not slow from having it oversold to many unmetered customers.


Verified Provider
it really depends if you are using vps for bandwidth intensive scripts or high data consuming scripts


New Member
I once had a 10TB/mon Gbit vps on 2host.

I ran the vps in full speed (torrenting in full speed) and could only consume less than 1TB/month.

I can imagine if you have too much bandwidth it will result in poor network speed if the provider cannot afford it.