Google: "Gmail users shouldn't expect email privacy"

D. Strout

Resident IPv6 Proponent
Three words: I don't care. Google (or my family, or my friends, or whoever) can read all my e-mails and searches for all I care. If I knew that I had been assigned a particular employee at Google whose job it was to read all content I ever received or sent through their services, the only reason I would be disappointed is that I would be making someone's life very boring. But that's not the case, and in fact that sentence about "not expecting privacy" refers only to the automated systems that "read" (more like "parse") your e-mails to generate ads. And I'm fine with ads, they make the world go 'round and I don't even use adblock. Tracking for personalized ads? Good! I like seeing Newegg products in my peripheral on Youtube.

Bottom line: Gmail is an excellent service that makes my life much less of a headache. If they have automated programs that parse my e-mails to make ads to pay for the people who make it better day by day, I'm fine with that. And I'm not going to enter in to this whole "Google is a government/secret service/NSA shell" conspiracy. They may hand over some information because they're required to by law, but I bet they don't like it any more than we do. Go after the government, not Google.


100% Tier-1 Gogent
It's not about your boring life as per your email messages.

It is about who is speaking to you, who they speak to, what the nature of things is and long term relationships these control nuts are keeping the details of.

Content matching ads, no I couldn't care less about in the big picture.  Profile building and sharing that info readily with government and inevitably insurance, risk assessment, etc.   well that's medieval torture.


Active Member
Been using Sendinc for 2+ yrs mainly for client server work and passwords etc. Much easier for normal folks to understand sendinc then trying to explain to them how to setup and configure openpgp keys and encryption on their windows/mac computers heh  :D


New Member
There stupid, of course they want privacy, whether its bad content or good content, somethings are personal, i guess like others say, time to move away from them 


Active Member
Verified Provider
What is Solution?

- It is possible to copy your email from gmail to your desktop then remove all emails?(secure option?)

- Which email provider respect your privacy?


New Member
SendInc sure does look interesting! Thanks for that.

Sadly most data goes over US lines and communications so it is quite hard to fully encrypt everything and hide it from the 'big bad NSA!' :D