D. Strout
Resident IPv6 Proponent
Nice! You were certainly right about this being a steady, sure source of income from the site. But on that note, I've been running the numbers, and am having trouble seeing how the amount needed to run this site could come anywhere near the $1,120/month you will receive from these ads. Let's break it down:All ad spots reserved.
5 VPSes - being generous and figuring $10/mo each, that's $50. $1120 - $50 = $1,070.
IPB license - $25 semi-annual renewal, divided by 6 is about $4.10. $1,070 - $4.10 = $1,065 (rounding down)
Some plugins - Hard to quantify this, but let's just be generous and say 10 plugins at $30 each makes $300. Brings us down to $765.
OK. $765. You're not going to be feeding a family on that, but that's still a fair number of 2GB KVMs at $7/mo.
- I ran the numbers wrong
- A rather large amount of development will go in to the site
- You, @MannDude, get some pocket change