
ColoCrossing full disclosure

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You've gone on way to long, and I'm about to disclose the information about you not a lot of people will have seen. I hate that it's come to this, but you've violated multiple laws and I've had enough with you being the source of all the drama. I gave you a chance, now you've pushed your luck.

Let's start with your personal information: <--snipped-->

... I did say full disclosure, right? - To staff: if you have an issue with me posting that information, then edit it out of the post, but legitimate company owners shouldn't mind their information being on the internet, right?

Now, how about a huge file from entries in databases regarding ColoCrossing?

These entries were taken from VPSACE database, you know the company ColoCrossing has "no involvment in" right?

You see multiple entries there, if we jump to my other post's paste over here: you get a bit more background in to this.

This is just the first post of many to come; I have about 20MB of data regarding ColoCrossing, and its sub companies, money laundering, etc.
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Active Member
For christ's sake, can we just keep this crap in one thread?

And another thing, you've posted information about their families.  What is wrong with you? 
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100% Tier-1 Gogent
Ahh, I don't approve of the first link.  Family stuff isn't very nice.

Now the vpsAce database, most of what I see in there are normal tickets in WHMCS...

"'[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'ColoCrossing Billing Department - Payment Receipt'"

That's a normal system API tie in from ColoCrossing to the customer vpsace with this Matt Barauski fellow who likely doesn't exist.  He certainly wasn't staying at the prior address in Florida who is related directly to Chris N. 

But the presence of colocrossing in there is entire legitimate.

There is other stuff in there worth fishing out.  Namely the presence of Chris N, and links to other brands under the same company.


drmike: As in regards to Chris from N3, well thats 116MB and I don't feel like uploading it.



100% Tier-1 Gogent
Interested in time seeing what is in there.   Hopefully info on his many companies and intertwined nature of them.

More of that, less of who he is bonking and what his face looks like with 15 hotdogs shoved in it on Facebook.
Disclosing a company's information is fine. Jon does have the wrong idea regarding privately-owned companies vs. secretly-owned companies (e.g. wrongfully assuming that disclosure of commercial DBAs like and is optional).

But I'll +1 removing Alex Vial's family members from the list. They've not broken any disclosure laws and are not the ones lying to people.


XFuse Solutions, LLC
Verified Provider
Dude really? You post peoples family information on here.. How about this.. Full disclosure.. You're a fucking douchebag... This dudes family did nothing for you to sit there and post crap about them... How much of a man do you think you are right now? Because, I'll tell you, a man doesn't result to this bullshit... Remove that crap... And for God's sake, keep the shit in one thread, why do you people insist on opening multiple threads to speak your dumb shit?! God damn, this is the crap I'm talking about here... Remove my post if you like, but this shit needs to end or get limited to one thread and not open a new thread when you post private information for a dudes family like a coward sitting behind a computer...


XFuse Solutions, LLC
Verified Provider
To relay as to why it pisses me off is that someone did that to me a long time ago and it didn't turn out very well just because I said something about them... You know, stuff like posting family information is very childish and needs to be addressed by yourself. I didn't mean to be rude in my last post, just isn't the right thing to do. Doing a "good deed" as you call it is good, but this is wrong...

Sorry jarland, I hope everyone understands what I mean and why I got upset...


100% Tier-1 Gogent
But feel free to call the little bastards who own and operate and and Colocrossing and associated shells all kinds of names.


New Member
Verified Provider
I don't agree or disagree with all this CC thing, but how is it "good"/legal to post pieces of stolen database?


Company Lube
Verified Provider
I don't agree or disagree with all this CC thing, but how is it "good"/legal to post pieces of stolen database?
That's just it.

VPSACE refuses to comment on it and hasn't contacted their own customers about the credit cards stored inside said dump.

Until they make a statement, there can only be a 'pretty sure' basis that it's what it is. FYI, to date they still haven't notified anyone. Someone should inform VISA I think.



New Member
Verified Provider
That's just it.

VPSACE refuses to comment on it and hasn't contacted their own customers about the credit cards stored inside said dump.

Until they make a statement, there can only be a 'pretty sure' basis that it's what it is. FYI, to date they still haven't notified anyone. Someone should inform VISA I think.

Thanks, I was not aware of that... not good indeed, but does it justify making parts of the said database even "more available"?
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