
Choopa sends out Vultr to drown in the DigitalOcean


Active Member
I hope they fix the security issues and the capacity planning bit.  Having "sold out" locations defeats the single purpose I have for instant activation APIs.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Pardon me, heh. Skimped through the pictures when I was reading it
No worries, I do it all the time too ;)

Pretty scary stuff, all things considered. Seems like they're likely using the same billing database as their company, too.


New Member
I woke up to see the VM removed, and my security issue ticket closed without a response.

I don't think I can business with a company that just sweeps it under the rug.


Just a dude
vpsBoard Founder
Comically enough, though, this thread inspired me to get another DigitalOcean box. My other 3 are operating just splendidly.

Though their Singapore location has terrible network speeds. I was getting about 0.3/Mbps down. Luckily, I have no use for a Singapore VPS so rebuilt that bad boy back in the states.


New Member
Verified Provider
I woke up to see the VM removed, and my security issue ticket closed without a response.

I don't think I can business with a company that just sweeps it under the rug.
We didn't sweep it under the rug, there was an issue with a common key randomly generated that matched that of another causing some information to be erroneously displayed in your panel.   Our developers identified the key collision and corrected the situation.    We appreciate you bringing this to our attention.   This was a soft launch on Friday to identify some bugs before our full launch and it spread quite fast.   We are working feverishly to make this a great product.   We appreciate the original posters comments.


New Member
We didn't sweep it under the rug, there was an issue with a common key randomly generated that matched that of another causing some information to be erroneously displayed in your panel.   Our developers identified the key collision and corrected the situation.    We appreciate you bringing this to our attention.   This was a soft launch on Friday to identify some bugs before our full launch and it spread quite fast.   We are working feverishly to make this a great product.   We appreciate the original posters comments.
That sounds very poorly designed. It would help to reply to the tickets (even with a canned response) explaining the issue rather than just closing the ticket.

It does not sit well with me any many others. I should not have to read vpsBoard to find this out.
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New Member
We didn't sweep it under the rug, there was an issue with a common key randomly generated that matched that of another causing some information to be erroneously displayed in your panel.   Our developers identified the key collision and corrected the situation.    We appreciate you bringing this to our attention.   This was a soft launch on Friday to identify some bugs before our full launch and it spread quite fast.   We are working feverishly to make this a great product.   We appreciate the original posters comments.
Key collusion sounds like clusterfuck :D

Tell your developers to seperate databases/keys etc for different type of your business.I have a server with constant and i do not want my personal information leaked due to your software developer's laziness.


New Member

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  TOMATOUSB []
  2    10 ms     8 ms     6 ms
  3     7 ms     8 ms     8 ms []
  4    12 ms    11 ms    18 ms []
  5    11 ms    15 ms    13 ms []
  6    13 ms    12 ms    14 ms
  7    12 ms    12 ms    12 ms []
  8    14 ms    16 ms    16 ms []
  9    20 ms    21 ms    20 ms []

Trace complete.

Not bad, slightly better than RamNode's Seattle location.


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  TOMATOUSB []
  2     9 ms     8 ms     7 ms
  3     8 ms     9 ms     9 ms []
  4    10 ms    74 ms    10 ms []
  5    13 ms    14 ms    12 ms []
  6    29 ms    30 ms    30 ms
  7    32 ms    34 ms    34 ms []
  8    37 ms    42 ms    39 ms []
  9    56 ms    54 ms    57 ms []
 10    38 ms    34 ms    37 ms []
 11     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 12    31 ms    30 ms    33 ms []

Trace complete.
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The Irrational One
Retired Staff
So my issue was finally resolved after a bit of an e-mail exchange with one of their support tech (Mike I believe it was).  But I'm still pretty weary of putting money into it.  


New Member
The problem is they really did copy DO's web design. It's basically identical with a bit of changes.

If it had come with a unique design and no security issues, I believe it would have had much more luck and not be called a 'DO clone'.


New Member
We didn't sweep it under the rug, there was an issue with a common key randomly generated that matched that of another causing some information to be erroneously displayed in your panel.   Our developers identified the key collision and corrected the situation.    We appreciate you bringing this to our attention.   This was a soft launch on Friday to identify some bugs before our full launch and it spread quite fast.   We are working feverishly to make this a great product.   We appreciate the original posters comments.
So either A. use incremented IDs rather than generated IDs or B. make your generated IDs have a sufficiently big keyspace - a UUID should suffice.


Active Member
According to their support, Sydney and Tokyo won't be available until mid March and other OS options won't be available for at least 10 days.

That on top of the atrocious security fuckup makes me wish I hadn't put money into this thing. I expected better from Choopa - it seems clear that this wasn't ready for launch.
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New Member
Read the thread ;)

Namely this post:

And this one:

No thanks!
I actually saw the same thing as above when I signed up this morning, had someone's mumble(I think) server and CC in my billing. Didn't really try to use the card, but it makes me wonder what if it did work? Not sure how I feel about giving money to them now.