Thanks all for the nice comments. On your advice, I've made a few changes. One of the bigger things is I've optimised the images, bringing their sizes down by 60%+, which should help loading times. I don't want to set far future expires headers right now as I'll be changing stuff a lot, and most people won't see too much of a different since they're not going to be visiting every day. I've actually gotten rid of the bar before the footer, as the site looks pretty good without it, and I didn't have much to put in it yet.
As to what's next, not quite sure. I do want to do a bit of blogging, and if VPSB ever starts a blogroll I wouldn't mind being on it

For now, though, I'm working on a few other projects in order to fill out my portfolio, so keep an eye out both on here and on the site to see a big product I'm coming out with soon (hopefully!) The biggest reason I put this together is that the VPS my old site was on is expiring soon, and I figured putting a new site together on the new server I'm using was easier than transferring the old site. But now that's it's up, I can devote my attention to other projects, which I hope you'll all like!
Thanks again for the advice and feedback, I wouldn't mind hearing more!